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Motilal Oswal Customer Reviews, Complaints and Feedback (Page 4)

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FREE Account Opening + FREE Intraday Trades + FREE Personal Advisor & Research + FREE for 1st Year Demat AMC Open your FREE Demat Account in 5 Minutes.

With over 35 years of industry experience and a client base which expands to more than 50 lakhs, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. (MOFSL) has become synonymous with India's investment partner. Incorporated in the year 1987, the financial services firm offers trading services in Equity, Commodity, Currency and Derivatives. It also offers other products like Mutual Funds, IPOs, US Stocks, Gold, Insurance, Fixed Income products and readymade portfolios such as Stock Baskets, Intelligent Adviso... Motilal Oswal Review

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FREE Account Opening (for a limited time only)

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  • Free F&O brokerage for 1st Month,
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  • FREE for 1st Year Demat AMC.

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Special Offer: FREE Account Opening + FREE Intraday Trades + FREE Personal Advisor & Research + FREE for 1st Year Demat AMC Open your FREE Demat Account in 5 Minutes.


503. Ved Agarwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|May 16, 2023 5:07:53 PMReply
आज हम इस महान कंपनी की एक और चालबाजी लिख रहे हैं।हम तो सेबी और MCX में Fight कर ही रहे हैं। वहां से निष्पक्ष फैसला होगा,हमें संदेह है।इसके बाद हम अदालत की तरफ जायें गे। तब इनसे पूछे गे कि 1LACT का क्या मतलब होता है। इन्होंने चार सौ बीसी क्या की ,वह पढ़िये।इसने 10 तारीख 2023 के बाद अपनी वेव साईडो पर 1LACT की जगह 1 LACLT लिख दिया‌है। लेकिन हमारे पास इनका आडियो है जिसमें साफ साफ बोला जा रहा है 8 रुपया पर Trade. इससे ये साफ जाहिर होता है कि ये पक्के बेईमान है।पता नहीं इस कंपनी के मालिकों को इनके नुमाइंदे की कारस्तानियों की जानकारी है कि नहीं। अगर है और उसके बाद ये सब हो रहा है तो आज ये बत्तीस दांत वाला इन्सान भविष्यवाणी करता है कि इस कंपनी का हश्र अगले पांच साल में इतना बुरा होगा,जिसकी इसने कल्पना नहीं की होगी।हम रहे या ना रहे लेकिन आप सब जरुर देखियेगा कि एक और नास्त्रेदमस की तरह भविष्यवाणी करके गया था,जो सच निकली।आगे हम कुछ नहीं लिखें गए।आप लोगों के पास इनका Value Pack का चार्ट हो तो हमें भेज दीजिए गा।हम आप सबकी शिकायते बनाकर प्रधानमंत्री जी से लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज तक के पास भेजे गे।आज से बीस वर्ष पूर्व हमने कार्वी के आफिस में ऐसा ही कुछ कहकर आये थे। जो आज सच हो गया।
503.1. HITESH VANI   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|May 23, 2023 4:48:57 PM
502. HITESH VANI   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|May 23, 2023 4:44:14 PMReply
501. Uday Harikant   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|May 16, 2023 4:09:25 PMReply
Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very bad experience with Motilal oswal. They force to invest money. But in return give a major lose. They have bad customer service. Don't invest in this company.

Their Advisor have zero knowledge, they are only interested in their commission/Brokerage.

Please don't invest in Motilal. you will loos your interest in trading and also your hard earn money.


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor
500. Ved Agarwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|May 14, 2023 12:48:32 PMReply
मोतीलाल ओसवाल फाइनेंसियल सर्विस बहुत बड़ी धोखेबाज और लुटेरी फर्म है।इसके जितनी भी शाखाएं हैं , वहां बैठे इनके वेतनभोगी दलाल आपको कैसे कैसे लूटत हैं।हम बता रहें हैं। सर्वप्रथम इनके दलाल कहीं से आपका नम्बर लेकर आपको फोन पर फोन करके ये कहकर फंसाते हैं कि हम आपको खूब कमाई करवायें गए।आपको कुछ नहीं भी जानकारी हैं तो भी हम स्वयं आपका काम देखेंगे।आप माह के अन्त में नफा था दीजियेगा।आप सदस्य बन गये।फिर आपके पास फोन आयेगा, निशुल्क वेविनार ज्वाइन करने का।जिसमें आपको बेवकूफ बनाया जाता है।कि आप सीखों गे तो कमाओ गए।हम आपको सिखायेंगे।जिसकी कीमत एक साल की 29000/- है। लेकिन हम 18 माह तक के लिय है। सिखाते क्या है कम्प्यूटर कैसे चलायें गे।इनका साफ्टवेयर कैसे चलाकर जानकारी प्राप्त करें गए।यही नहीं ये भी कहे गए कि हम आपको ट्रेंड आपरेटर दें गे। ये कुछ नहीं देते।इनकी एक तरफा बाजार में तो सफल रहते हैं।जो कि ये क्या एक अनाड़ी भी सफल रहेगा।जब Volatile होता है तो दस में नौ में ये फेल रहते हैं। ये9:52 पर कहते हैं कि swing buy और 9:54 पर कहते हैं कि exit buy. आपको नुकसान लग गया और कंपनी की डबल ब्रोकरेज बन गयी।
अब आगे सुनिये। आप इनसे वैल्यू पैक लेते हैं ,जिसका मतलब Relationship manager को तो छोड़ इनके मालिक को भी नहीं पता है। इनके यहां एक से एक काबिल व्यक्ति भरे पड़े हैं जो नकल करके डिग्री लाकर उपरोक्त फर्म में नौकरी पा जाते हैं।अगर हमारे यहां हो तो इनको तुरंत निकालकर बाहर कर दे। इनको ये पढ़ाया जाता है कि 40×5 =100 यानि चालीस पंजे सौ।अब ये यही गाते रहेंगे।इनको ना तो अपने value pack से मतलब है और ना ही किसी अन्य सबूत से।ये आपको brokarage Tarriff नहीं भेजें गे।जो ब्रोकरेज आपके डिफ़ाल्ट प्लान में लगी है ,वहीं ब्रोकरेज एक लाख के वैल्यू पैक पर लगेगी ,अगर Relationship manager न आपको लिखकर नहीं दिया है।आप 24 -08-2022 को 10000/- का वैल्यू पैक लेते हैं तब ये 2-09-2022 को Rate सूची भेजकर 3-09-2022 से लागू करते हैं।इसका मतलब 24-08-2022 से 3-09-2022 तक जो भी अपने ट्रेडिंग की उसपर ब्रोकरेज वहीं लगेगी जो पहले लग रही थी।इसके बाद आप और कम कराना चाहते हैं और एक लाख का value pack लेते हैं,जिसके लिये आप RM से पहले Brokerage Tarriff मंगते है और आप जल्दी से एक लाख का value pack लेते हैं। क्योंकि ब्रोकरेज में बहुत फर्क पड़ रहा था। यहां RM ने सभी सेगमेंट्स टैरिफ ना भेजकर आपको अंधेरे में रखा।तब कंपनी आपको दस हजार वाला ही टैरिफ लगायें गी।कहीं से हम कंपनी का पूरा वैल्यूपैक का टैरिफ प्लान प्राप्तकर लेते हैं।जिसमें दो हजार से लेकर पचास हजार तक लिखा है (*****KLT) यानि प्रति लाट।वहीं इसके बाद लिखा है (×LACT) यानि पर ट्रेंड ।इसकी परिभाषा कंपनी आफिस में बैठा पढ़ा लिखा इन्सान बताता है कि LT का मतलब LIFE TIME और LACT का अर्थ बताता है लाख TARRIFF ।इसी value chart में commodity का आप्शन नहीं लिखा है तो ये मानने को तैयार नहीं है।ये आपको आप्शन और फ्यूचर में उलझायें गे।जबकि इनके हर TARRIFF में आप्शन और फ्यूचर का एक रेट दिया है।संजोग से हमें इनका commodity का option का भी Tarriff मिल गया उसको भी ये नहीं मानते। कंपनी आपको पूरा Tarriff लिखकर दे गी नहीं।आपको लुटवाती रहेगी।इस प्रकार आप कोई भी मामला निपटा नहीं पायेंगे। इसलिए सबसे पहले कंपनी से काम बंद कर दीजिए।ज़ोंबी रकम जमा है उसे वापस मंगा ले।जो शेयर्स पड़े हो उसे दूसरी जगह ट्रान्सफर करा दे।या वहां बेचकर दूसरी जगह ले ले।हम इस कंपनी को इतना गलत नहीं समझते थे।जितनी ये आज की तारीख में हैं। इसीलिए इसके कस्टमर कम हो रहे हैं।
अब आप क्या करें। सर्वप्रथम केवल सच लिखियेगा।आप शिकायत प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय, उपभोक्ता मंत्रालय,सेबी ,MCX कमोडिटी से सम्बंधित और वित्त‌ मंत्रालय सब जगह मेल करें और कोरियर भी करें।एक प्रतिलिपि हमको भी मेल कर दे।हमसे जो हो सकेगा ,मदद करें गे।जो ट्रेडिंग नुकसान उठा चुके हैं।उसमें कुछ नहीं हो सकता। लेकिन ब्रोकरेज को लेकर कोई समस्या है तो लिखे। धन्यवाद
499. SUSHILA NITIN SAKPAL   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|May 8, 2023 7:22:54 AMReply
Don't go with Motilal Oswal, they don't have a good advisor, if you will go with them then you will lose your all money. Very bad experience.
498. Anita Dhule   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|December 11, 2022 7:53:15 PMReply
Would like to inform you that one of your employee Ritik tiwari invested my 💰 money forcefully on date 1St nov 2022.
I was not aware of anything where my money is use for trading wherein due to i lose my money of rs 66000 going into loss..
Employee was continued call me for these as i was already ask him to withdraw my money bcoz i need it lot.
I want my whole money back otherwise same i will escalate to SeBi.
Refer attached screenshot of whatapp chat.
I want to add one thing many time i have told him i don't have knowledge about trading still mr tiwari has forcefully done my trading and same day i was in huge l9ss which was never expected..
Since 15 months i am with Motilal Oswal i didn't face these kind of issues as my 2 advisors guided me properly but didn't keep me dark n did transactions but these guy totally missguide me as i was not aware of anything apart i was asking him to withdraw and he was asking about trading.
Need justice

Name. Anita Dhule
Location. karjat
498.1. SUSHILA NITIN SAKPAL   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|May 8, 2023 7:20:32 AM
Hi Anita, the same thing happened to me also, would you please advise if you got your money back from them, if yes then please help me with the procedure.
497. Narasimha   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|May 5, 2023 10:29:18 AMReply
Cheaters they talk nicely to open account and wait 1 to 2 weeks then with 2 traders all ur capital gone for Only brokerage charges with losses i loss 55 k plz don't open account i don't no what i do know
496. vijay joshi   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|April 22, 2023 2:52:37 PMReply
not good


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Below Average
Overall Experience - Very Poor
495. Anil Dusane   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|April 21, 2023 3:30:15 PMReply
Cheater team & company , please do not open account with Motilal Oswal, they are cheating innocent customers and made fraud with investors


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor
494. KS   I Like It. 1|Report Abuse|  Link|February 1, 2023 4:18:16 PMReply
I have a DMAT account opened with Motilal Oswal. I lost 85 % of my money due to mis-leaded trade by the advisor. so please be careful with your money. The company advisor is not competent enough to trade and they will lose all your money. Their response will be very vague and no confirmed trades are taking. Advisors are Bhavesh parbhate and Rahul Veghela. so pl do not trade with them.
Overall save your money by not investing in Motilal Oswal pl.
This is my experienced shared with you.
494.1. Raju Mukherjee   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|March 18, 2023 2:33:12 AM
I had account with closed as I invested money in a company they reccomend buy. What I realised they give buy only when big fish want suckers to exit so buy at resistance and sell on support no logic no nothing their brokerage is high. No reliability of reccomendation only ask to check their overnight calls
493. Madhvi   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|August 5, 2022 4:44:57 PMReply
**Please read it complete or skip-
Motilal Oswal is a cheat company, it is true! - SEBI said it several times and fortunately we are in India so we have to dela with it.
It not a big firm nor a financial company in fact they are kind of self building there TRPs using social media platform like we we better know a few more firms where content and services are like they should not exist but they are, again we are in India so we have to deal with it.

Some authentic references -

Long story short - If you got hard earn money, do not use Motilal Oswal at all for any thing, still you got money go for it and the day (that will come soon, with in a month or so) when you will have your account NIL, you will get some decent business ideas that you could use further in cheating people business in a fair way, of course if your conscious allows you.

If you have gone through the other reviews, they all are true stories, it is happening with 99% (I came through across) of customers, will not repeat same things here apart from a few missing points that you must know when you are dealing with them.

Mo Investor and Mo Trader App provided by them are fully customized as per the user, they will only show you want they want you to have a look, you have to enquire and play emails to get the details and most probably the day you will get all the details, it would be your final day :).

There advisors got great skills to fool you around and trade blindly based on brokerage margins, and trust me they would not have any knowledge about market. They are poor simple people like us doing there job to generate max benefit for their own company for there perks.

So Advisors are zero, next you would be provided smart automated financial service subscriptions (I.e. TGS ) that will cost you around 30k. And you will come to know about these service again on your final day and you will beat your head because you have invested 30k for a subscription and you are not going to get even a single penny out of it. Most of the services are non refundable. You will keep on fighting and you wont get any thing back because you have agreed upon all the things and T&Cs.

How i agreed upon so many things that I never knew ? Flood of emails that you can not read each, Flood of calls will make you feel like a lot many things are going on to make a grand profit for you, Advisors will call you in so hurry that if you will not buy any product right away it would be a great miss of a golden opportunity that could make your life, and unfortunately you loose that moment every time. You will share OTPs and confirmations with advisors trusting them and they are buying products from market that are going to generate some benefit for you but in actual they sold you Motilal Oswal services. They are smart enough and trust me how smart trader you are you will end up buying some expensive service out of which you won't get any thing. Initial small trade a decent profit now its time for a big blind trade and grand loss but they earned what they wanted to earn and this is your final day, you will end up writing a review like this.

MO knows it well, customers will not last longer than 1-2 months with them, (It is very natural, in 1-2 months you lure of money will come down and you will come to know about how to deal safe in stock market, so you would not agree to pay any thing apart from your account maintenance) so they will force you to invest as much as possible initially.

In last 29 years they got 3 Lacs to 5 lacs clients shows you how big and efficient they are. I last one year they jumped from 5 to 9 lacs client and every body knows why (Market is down and every body is ready to invest in market so it not only Motilal who gained the clients).

So do you still think they are champs??, yes they are but only in cheating business otherwise they are fake!!
493.1. Deepak   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 16, 2023 6:32:41 PM
Motilal oswal is 3 rd class company , I have occurred huge losses they are no: 1 cheaters
493.2. Ved Agarwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|March 12, 2023 4:40:30 PM
You are totally right. This company is fully cheater. His advisors are also cheater and non cooperative.
492. Sourabh   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 8, 2022 4:03:36 PMReply
With my hard earned savings I have deposited Rs 150000/- in my demate account which I have opened in Motilal Oswal, and picked some large cap equity stocks, I received one call from Shri Sourav Saha, and he introduced himself has Sr. Advisor who will look after my account, on the same conversation I told him that I am here for investing not for trading, but instead of advising me safer option he has advised me to participate in F&O intraday trade, I told him that I have no idea about F&O trading and all, I just want to buy some quality stocks for investing, I also told him that the current amount 150000/- may be required back so I don't want to take risk and stick with large cap equity stocks, but instead of advising me on picking up of good stocks he was repetitively saying to trade in F&O, the advisor repeated told that he can make profit of upto 1 lac on my current amount, the advisor shown me big dreams of making good profit in F&O quickly, I told him that I don't know ABCD of F&O i have zero idea of F&O even after instead of expelling me the risk and brokerage he was repeatedly saying he will make good profit for me. For the first instance i was not ready for F&O but after hearing him I thought if a Sr. Advisior of one of the repudiated compay is saying to to trade I agreed after that he sold my all the stocks on BTST, next day morning he called me and told that he will trade on behalf of me, in first trade there was 7000 negative he again called and given excuse that the stop lose trigred and he forced me to take participate in 2nd trade of the day, he also told me that he will recover me from loss, after hearing that I said ok, but in 2nd trade also there was another 11000 negative, till that time I was not aware of the charges of brokerage in F&O, on the same day I thought I will not participate further in F&O and invested my rest amount in earlier large cap stocks. Next day he again called me and asked me why I picked the stocks, he told me that we were planing something good for me in F&O again, at that time I clearly told that advisor the I don't want to participate in F&O I am already in loss, moreover I have no Idea about F&O, further he again started washing my brain and told me he can recover me from my all the losses again he sold my all the stocks and traded 3rd time with 30000/- loss, on the same afternoon one another advisor called me and told that Sr. Advisor Sourabh Saha has told him to do something for me for recovering from all the losses, he again traded 4th time with loss of 10000/- till that time i was not aware of the quantum of brokerage charges as it was not explained to me, on the same afternoon I called Mr. Sourabh Saha and asked what happened, he told me I am loss in around 90000/-, I am a middle class person If i get this type of loss you can understand my condition. My question is that the role of the advisor is to protect the money of the investor but in my case it was opposite, I have lost all my money in 2 days, by just brain washing of Advisor of one of the leading company. I know I will not get any refund of my loss my only request is to stop all this fake advisory. Strong action should be taken against the company and that advisor. After making 90000 loss that advisor has not called me back single time.
492.2. Surender   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 21, 2023 8:27:11 PM
Really a group of cheaters and Sebi supporting blindly to fake company.. Modi govt must take action. Same case happened with me..looted 1.25 lakh rupees in name of brokerage and charge..I want to go court against motilal. If any want to join with me send message.
492.3. V.P.Agarwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|March 12, 2023 4:33:31 PM
I agree you are right. Motilal Oswal Financial Services group is cheater. Never any type invest in his group.
491. NIkhil   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 28, 2023 12:03:48 PMReply
Fraud And Cheating Company, they will say free account and they will collect money , if we ask them is there any email from us and that agent was left simply escape.

don''t trust this company
491.1. V.P.Agarwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|March 12, 2023 4:28:52 PM
I agree your comments. Really Motilal Oswal Financial Services is cheater. All advisor of him also cheater.Never buy his TGS plan.
490. S....   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 23, 2023 12:42:32 PMReply
Just as a NRI, I escaped from this mosl cheaters. They have no basic any ideas or logic, just convincing invest million rupees...hahaha, specially Mr ravinder from mosl advice manager... Really he has no any brain, first call, he asking that invest millions of rupees... Immediately I understood they are cheaters. Escaped...
489. tamilselvan   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|February 3, 2023 2:52:26 PMReply
very worst customer service


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Very Poor
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor
488. Rakesh   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|September 22, 2022 4:36:44 PMReply
Please take my complaint against XYZ consultant of Motilal . I don’t want any salaried people fooled like me. I lost 152000 in one day, for that I have no idea only I given concent. Your advisors are planning gambles, I am not that type of investor. In three days I lost my full saving’s. Don’t do this please. First educate about derivative then play. It’s not video game. Thanks

ID E520201

488.1. Prakash Badlani   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 25, 2023 2:55:36 PM
I too had very bad experience with Motilal Oswal so-called advisors. They explain at the time of on-line trading that this trade is very profitable but when I bought that trade i suffered loss. Then after couple of days another expert advisor called and asked me to trade in commodity but i said I don't know how to trade in commodity. She said its very profitable if you allow me i shall trade in your behalf as the call was on recording mode. She also made me suffer losses. Finally, yesterday one more adviser called and was very confident about trade today on 25th jan. When I asked for STOP LOSS, she told me she was confident that trade in BankNifty would reach the Target. It was total loss 40k. I had earlie lost 30k through their Advisors . During training, they teach about Stop loss but in practical trades, Advisors are overconfident that target will be achieved. It was a very sad experience.
487. Deepak kamath   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|January 23, 2023 6:09:21 PMReply
They are no1 cheaters never ever believe this guys they have duped me more than 3 lacs
486. Sunil   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|December 29, 2022 9:06:43 PMReply
Very bad experience with Motilal oswal mofsl. They force to invest money. But in return give a major lose. V bad custmer service. Don’t invest in this company. It os just waist of money.
485. Arsh Shaikh   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|December 23, 2022 12:43:49 PMReply
Worst company to trade, highly unqualified employees, trust me everyone they don’t the basic of stock market, i guess this company’s employees have trained by watch wolves of wall street. They will tell you sir yeh position bana hai woh bana. They will try to lure you with Fake ROI but never trust them.
484. Sanika   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|December 21, 2022 11:28:37 AMReply
Very high brokerages.


Brokerage - Very Poor
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Average
Research Capabilities - Very Poor
Customer Service - Above Average
Overall Experience - Below Average

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