
Current Buyback List (Tender Offer) 2020

A tender offer is an invitation by the company to buy back its own shares from the existing shareholders of the company on a proportionate basis at a specified price. The buyback offer price is generally higher than the market price. The existing shareholders are the investors who hold the shares of that company as on the record date fixed by the company.

The company issues a Letter of Offer with the Tender form enclosed in it to all the eligible shareholders of the company. The eligible shareholders can approach their respective brokers to know the online/offline facilities to participate in the buyback as available at their end.

A Tender Offer buyback offers investors an opportunity to take advantage of the premium pricing and exit their positions to reap quick gains. The investors need to assess the company's background and prospects to decide whether they want to tender their shares or stay invested.

Refer below to the list of buybacks through the Tender offer.

Issue open


Record date available

List of Buyback (Tender Offer) of Shares in India 2020


  • A tender offer buyback remains open for ten working days.
  • One must be the shareholder of the company as on the record date to be eligible to participate in the tender offer buy back.
  • The Demat and physical shareholders both can participate in a tender offer buyback.
  • One can tender their shares in part, full or ignore the offer as desired.
  • The tender offer buyback is done on proportionate basis to the extent of maximum buyback size. Thus, it is quite possible that not only a portion of your shares would get accepted.