In case of NCDs, YTM or Yield to Maturity (Interest) is very vital to take Buy decision. Unfortunately, we don''t get this information "live". You find it in edelweiss (Debt) website but the figures are not reliable. If you are familiar with excel worksheets, find out terms about coupon rate, frequency of payment and maturity date etc either by googling or visiting edelweiss website (reliable for this limited purpose)and make out calculation sheets. It should be such that once you enter, Last Traded Price, YTM should be worked by formula (XIRR). Once you are sure that your calculation method is correct, after logging-in, enter LTP and get YTM.One need to be careful about Stock Code in the sense, if you decide to buy Brinjal, you should buy Brinjal only but not Potatoes. I am cautioning in this aspect, becaStock Codes used in different websites for Trading are not uniform