Yes, exit out of gold fund at no gain-no loss point. In terms of gold ETF, GOLDBEES (Goldman Sachs, formerly Benchmark) is the highest traded, most liquid, highest fund size and with longest history. Stick to that, or maybe the next largest Gold ETF. You may visit the blog (not mine) to read on comparison of Gold ETFs.
I think this is a bad decision. First of all, always avoid mutual fund NFOs as there is no track record. You get NOTHING by investing at Rs 10. Secondly, it is much better to buy Gold ETFs. These Gold Funds will anyway buy gold ETFs and you will actually pay twice - once for fund management fees and also for fund's etf transactions. Plus the fund mgmt fees will be charged every year. Buying gold ETF is cheaper and better. You may buy Gold fund only if you don't have or don't want to open a demat a/c.
Mannapuram Finance: This is a classic. People are ready to buy at 1000 for 12.2% returns, or just punt for 1-2% listing gains, but they are not ready to buy at 970 for 13-14% returns. What a pity.
Not sure how you are getting 14.1%. It's been trading at around 994 with very low volume (only about 285 bonds) and if you add brokerage (on avg Rs 5-7), it's almost on par.