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1. Ananth   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|October 3, 2016 11:47:25 PMReply
Brokerage Charges are a BIG LOOT, there will be hardly anything left with us, if we deduct Brokerages, Taxes + On short term Capital Gains Taxes

Customer Service is a useless features which tell the same thing what we know. They did not bother to apologies for the outage that occurred due to which we had to bear losses

Maintenance Fees is not yearly but its HEAVY Quaterly Fees

Web usability is not customer friendly all. It gives info and data what we don''t want and doesn''t provide what we need. Looks like their IT & Functional consulting team is totally cut off from the customer need Point of View.

May be they need to learn from the new players in the market, soon looks like the smaller player are going to over take them if they don''t pull up their socks


Brokerage - Below Average
Account Maintenance Fees - Very Poor
Website Usability - Below Average
Customer Service - Very Poor
Overall Experience - Very Poor