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SME IPO Performance 2014 (IPO History by Year)

Track performance of SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) IPO Stocks listed at BSE SME and NSE Emerge. Click on chart image at the end of each row to view the live stock quotes and charts of the IPO Stock. Click on the issuer company name to get the complete detail of IPO. Check IPO Performance Summary: Issue Price Vs Listing Price | Issue Price Vs Current Price


IPO Performance Tracker

Company Name Listed On Issue Price Listing Day Close Listing Day Gain Current Price Profit/Loss
Expand Momai Apparels Limited
IPO Detail
Oct 16, 2014 ₹78 ₹79.70 2.18%
Expand Oasis Tradelink Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 14, 2014 ₹30 ₹34.10 13.67%
Expand Women's Next Loungeries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 21, 2014 ₹65 ₹67.50 3.85%
Expand Shri Krishna Prasadam Ltd
IPO Detail
Mar 28, 2014 ₹10 ₹12.45 24.50%
Expand RCI Industries & Technologies Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 21, 2014 ₹40 ₹38.05 -4.88% ₹6.05 -84.88%
Expand Jet Infraventure Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 25, 2014 ₹125 ₹129.10 3.28% ₹21.05 -83.16%
Expand Powerhouse Fitness and Realty Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 21, 2014 ₹30 ₹31.50 5.00% ₹5.13 -82.90%
Expand Oceanaa Biotek Industries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 3, 2014 ₹10 ₹10.10 1.00% ₹2.40 -76.00%
Expand Aanchal Ispat Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 10, 2014 ₹20 ₹21.00 5.00% ₹5.28 -73.60%
Expand Unishire Urban Infra Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 28, 2014 ₹10 ₹11.45 14.50% ₹2.75 -72.50%
Expand Starlit Power Systems Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 22, 2014 ₹18 ₹18.95 5.28% ₹5.85 -67.50%
Expand GCM Capital Advisors Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 21, 2014 ₹20 ₹35.20 76.00% ₹6.65 -66.75%
Expand JLA Infraville Shoppers Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 12, 2014 ₹10 ₹11.60 16.00% ₹4.06 -59.40%
Expand Ultracab India Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 10, 2014 ₹36 ₹38.05 5.69% ₹15.02 -58.28%
Expand Captain Pipes Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 11, 2014 ₹40 ₹39.85 -0.37% ₹17.94 -55.15%
Expand Sanco Industries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 12, 2014 ₹18 ₹17.25 -4.17% ₹9.20 -48.89%
Expand Agrimony Commodities Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 18, 2014 ₹10 ₹14.35 43.50% ₹6.57 -34.30%
Expand Encash Entertainment Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 29, 2014 ₹40 ₹46.20 15.50% ₹29.00 -27.50%
Expand Bhanderi Infracon Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 8, 2014 ₹120 ₹107.85 -10.13% ₹91.80 -23.50%
Expand Karnimata Cold Storage Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 18, 2014 ₹20 ₹30.00 50.00% ₹17.10 -14.50%
Expand SPS Finquest Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 3, 2014 ₹75 ₹75.55 0.73% ₹65.00 -13.33%
Expand Tarini International Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 26, 2014 ₹41 ₹41.90 2.20% ₹38.16 -6.93%
Expand Carewell Industries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 12, 2014 ₹15 ₹13.65 -9.00% ₹14.00 -6.67%
Expand Sirohia & Sons Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 24, 2014 ₹12 ₹11.80 -1.67% ₹12.00 0.00%
Expand Polymac Thermoformers Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 26, 2014 ₹35 ₹35.85 2.43% ₹41.26 17.89%
Expand B C Power Controls Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 14, 2014 ₹18 ₹18.10 0.56% ₹4.54 26.11%
Expand Anubhav Infrastructure Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 12, 2014 ₹15 ₹14.15 -5.67% ₹20.74 38.27%
Expand Vishal Fabrics Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 20, 2014 ₹45 ₹46.90 4.22% ₹31.26 38.93%
Expand Bansal Roofing Products Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 14, 2014 ₹30 ₹30.50 1.67% ₹86.04 186.80%
Expand SI VI Shipping Corporation Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 6, 2014 ₹25 ₹26.10 4.40% ₹77.55 210.20%
Expand Vibrant Global Capital Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 21, 2014 ₹19 ₹20.00 5.26% ₹88.09 363.63%
Expand R & B Denims Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 22, 2014 ₹10 ₹11.05 10.50% ₹66.94 569.40%
Expand Atishay Infotech Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 16, 2014 ₹16 ₹18.45 15.31% ₹136.35 752.19%
Expand Chemtech Industrial Valves Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 31, 2014 ₹15 ₹14.95 -0.33% ₹178.20 1,088.00%
Expand ADCC Infocad Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 22, 2014 ₹40 ₹45.65 14.13% ₹522.15 1,205.38%
Expand Aryaman Capital Markets Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 20, 2014 ₹12 ₹12.40 3.33% ₹175.90 1,365.83%
Expand Dhabriya Polywood Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 17, 2014 ₹15 ₹16.75 11.67% ₹391.50 2,510.00%
Expand Naysaa Securities Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 25, 2014 ₹15 ₹14.65 -2.33% ₹463.65 2,991.00%
Expand Dhanuka Commercial Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 11, 2014 ₹10 ₹9.75 -2.50% ₹330.30 3,203.00%
Expand Anisha Impex Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 18, 2014 ₹10 ₹14.35 43.50% ₹415.20 4,052.00%
Expand Suyog Telematics Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 22, 2014 ₹25 ₹25.25 1.00% ₹1,310.45 5,141.80%


  • Stock splits are adjusted in Issue Prices.
  • Bonuses, dividends or other actions are not considered while calculating 'Profit / Loss'.
  • Records on this page are default sorted by IPO list date.
  • Please visit BSE / NSE websites for current stock quotes & charts.
  • Information on this page is last updated on 7/5/2024 4 PM.

Mainline IPO Performance Reports (BSE,NSE)

SME IPO Performance Reports (BSE SME, NSE Emerge)

IPO Performance 2014

Company NameListing Day Gain/LossCurrent Gain/Loss
Momai Apparels Limited2.18%
Oasis Tradelink Ltd13.67%
Women's Next Loungeries Ltd3.85%
Shri Krishna Prasadam Ltd24.50%
RCI Industries & Technologies Ltd-4.88%-84.88%
Jet Infraventure Limited3.28%-83.16%
Powerhouse Fitness and Realty Ltd5.00%-82.90%
Oceanaa Biotek Industries Ltd1.00%-76.00%
Aanchal Ispat Ltd5.00%-73.60%
Unishire Urban Infra Ltd14.50%-72.50%
Starlit Power Systems Limited5.28%-67.50%
GCM Capital Advisors Ltd76.00%-66.75%
JLA Infraville Shoppers Limited16.00%-59.40%
Ultracab India Ltd5.69%-58.28%
Captain Pipes Ltd-0.37%-55.15%
Sanco Industries Ltd-4.17%-48.89%
Agrimony Commodities Ltd43.50%-34.30%
Encash Entertainment Ltd15.50%-27.50%
Bhanderi Infracon Ltd-10.13%-23.50%
Karnimata Cold Storage Ltd50.00%-14.50%
SPS Finquest Ltd0.73%-13.33%
Tarini International Ltd2.20%-6.93%
Carewell Industries Ltd-9.00%-6.67%
Sirohia & Sons Ltd-1.67%0.00%
Polymac Thermoformers Ltd2.43%17.89%
B C Power Controls Ltd0.56%26.11%
Anubhav Infrastructure Ltd-5.67%38.27%
Vishal Fabrics Ltd4.22%38.93%
Bansal Roofing Products Ltd1.67%186.80%
SI VI Shipping Corporation Ltd4.40%210.20%
Vibrant Global Capital Limited5.26%363.63%
R & B Denims Ltd10.50%569.40%
Atishay Infotech Limited15.31%752.19%
Chemtech Industrial Valves Ltd-0.33%1,088.00%
ADCC Infocad Limited14.13%1,205.38%
Aryaman Capital Markets Ltd3.33%1,365.83%
Dhabriya Polywood Limited11.67%2,510.00%
Naysaa Securities Ltd-2.33%2,991.00%
Dhanuka Commercial Ltd-2.50%3,203.00%
Anisha Impex Ltd43.50%4,052.00%
Suyog Telematics Ltd1.00%5,141.80%