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SME IPO Performance 2015 (IPO History by Year)

Track performance of SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) IPO Stocks listed at BSE SME and NSE Emerge. Click on chart image at the end of each row to view the live stock quotes and charts of the IPO Stock. Click on the issuer company name to get the complete detail of IPO. Check IPO Performance Summary: Issue Price Vs Listing Price | Issue Price Vs Current Price


IPO Performance Tracker

Company Name Listed On Issue Price Listing Day Close Listing Day Gain Current Price Profit/Loss
Expand SSPN Finance Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 16, 2015 ₹20 ₹14.40 -28.00% ₹8.46 -57.70%
Expand Amsons Apparels Ltd
IPO Detail
Jan 6, 2015 ₹10 ₹7.84 -21.60%
Expand Sri Krishna Constructions (India) Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 1, 2015 ₹45 ₹41.85 -7.00% ₹5.20 -88.44%
Expand Tejnaksh Healthcare Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 27, 2015 ₹80 ₹76.00 -5.00% ₹23.82 -70.23%
Expand P. B. Films Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 22, 2015 ₹10 ₹9.50 -5.00%
Expand Yogya Enterprises Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 15, 2015 ₹15 ₹14.25 -5.00% ₹13.83 361.00%
Expand Funny Software Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 2, 2015 ₹14 ₹13.50 -3.57% ₹0.37 -97.36%
Expand Navigant Corporate Advisors Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 18, 2015 ₹14 ₹13.78 -1.57% ₹36.03 157.36%
Expand Gala Print City Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 16, 2015 ₹24 ₹24.10 0.42% ₹3.39 -71.75%
Expand Shaival Reality Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 1, 2015 ₹100 ₹100.50 0.50% ₹30.50 -69.50%
Expand Suncare Traders Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 29, 2015 ₹64 ₹64.40 0.63% ₹1.35 -89.45%
Expand Amrapali Fincap Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 5, 2015 ₹120 ₹121.00 0.83%
Expand Emkay Taps and Cutting Tools Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 31, 2015 ₹330 ₹333.05 0.92% ₹883.95 167.86%
Expand Mahabir Metallex Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 27, 2015 ₹10 ₹10.10 1.00% ₹78.19 681.90%
Expand Karnavati Finance Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 5, 2015 ₹10 ₹10.10 1.00% ₹2.31 -76.90%
Expand AGI Infra Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 27, 2015 ₹54 ₹54.65 1.20% ₹880.90 1,531.30%
Expand H.K. Trade International Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 14, 2015 ₹18 ₹18.30 1.67% ₹1,211.45 6,630.28%
Expand Supreme (India) Impex Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 31, 2015 ₹60 ₹61.30 2.17%
Expand Vaksons Automobiles Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 16, 2015 ₹26 ₹27.00 3.85% ₹9.24 -64.46%
Expand Ahimsa Industries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2015 ₹25 ₹26.00 4.00% ₹22.80 -8.80%
Expand Bella Casa Fashion & Retail Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2015 ₹14 ₹14.70 5.00% ₹407.95 2,813.93%
Expand VMV Holidays Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 14, 2015 ₹10 ₹10.50 5.00% ₹5.26 -47.40%
Expand Raghuvansh Agrofarms Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 28, 2015 ₹11 ₹11.55 5.00% ₹214.50 1,850.00%
Expand Akme Star Housing Finance Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 20, 2015 ₹30 ₹31.75 5.83% ₹47.52 58.40%
Expand Pecos Hotels and Pubs Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 11, 2015 ₹50 ₹53.25 6.50% ₹363.80 627.60%
Expand Universal Autofoundry Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 4, 2015 ₹15 ₹16.00 6.67% ₹173.05 1,053.67%
Expand Filtra Consultants and Engineers Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 15, 2015 ₹42 ₹44.90 6.90% ₹91.90 118.81%
Expand O P Chains Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 22, 2015 ₹11 ₹11.81 7.36% ₹32.64 196.73%
Expand Junction Fabrics and Apparels Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 10, 2015 ₹16 ₹17.30 8.13% ₹6.68 -58.25%
Expand Perfect Infraengineers Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 20, 2015 ₹23 ₹25.10 9.13% ₹30.00 30.43%
Expand Vishal Bearings Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2015 ₹25 ₹27.30 9.20% ₹134.85 439.40%
Expand M D Inducto Cast Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 16, 2015 ₹27 ₹29.50 9.26% ₹51.01 88.93%
Expand Jiya Eco Products Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 16, 2015 ₹19 ₹21.00 10.53% ₹3.61 -81.00%
Expand Oyeeee Media Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 2, 2015 ₹40 ₹45.00 12.50% ₹26.90 34.50%
Expand Ambition Mica Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 14, 2015 ₹40 ₹45.15 12.88% ₹2.98 -92.55%
Expand Cawasji Behramji Catering Services Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 19, 2015 ₹14 ₹16.01 14.36% ₹3.96 -71.71%
Expand MRSS India
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 16, 2015 ₹12.75 ₹14.70 15.29% ₹4.38 -65.65%
Expand Mangalam Seeds Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 12, 2015 ₹50 ₹57.75 15.50% ₹248.05 396.10%
Expand Loyal Equipments Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 16, 2015 ₹18 ₹21.05 16.94% ₹206.50 1,047.22%
Expand Mishka Exim Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 13, 2015 ₹10 ₹13.50 35.00% ₹38.33 283.30%
Expand Patdiam Jewellery Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 16, 2015 ₹38 ₹58.25 53.29% ₹220.00 478.95%
Expand Athena Constructions Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 16, 2015 ₹10 ₹15.40 54.00% ₹7.11 -28.90%


  • Stock splits are adjusted in Issue Prices.
  • Bonuses, dividends or other actions are not considered while calculating 'Profit / Loss'.
  • Records on this page are default sorted by IPO list date.
  • Please visit BSE / NSE websites for current stock quotes & charts.
  • Information on this page is last updated on 7/5/2024 4 PM.

Mainline IPO Performance Reports (BSE,NSE)

SME IPO Performance Reports (BSE SME, NSE Emerge)

IPO Performance 2015

Company NameListing Day Gain/LossCurrent Gain/Loss
SSPN Finance Ltd-28.00%-57.70%
Amsons Apparels Ltd-21.60%
Sri Krishna Constructions (India) Ltd-7.00%-88.44%
Tejnaksh Healthcare Ltd-5.00%-70.23%
P. B. Films Limited-5.00%
Yogya Enterprises Ltd-5.00%361.00%
Funny Software Ltd-3.57%-97.36%
Navigant Corporate Advisors Ltd-1.57%157.36%
Gala Print City Ltd0.42%-71.75%
Shaival Reality Ltd0.50%-69.50%
Suncare Traders Ltd0.63%-89.45%
Amrapali Fincap Ltd0.83%
Emkay Taps and Cutting Tools Limited0.92%167.86%
Mahabir Metallex Ltd1.00%681.90%
Karnavati Finance Ltd1.00%-76.90%
AGI Infra Ltd1.20%1,531.30%
H.K. Trade International Limited1.67%6,630.28%
Supreme (India) Impex Ltd2.17%
Vaksons Automobiles Limited3.85%-64.46%
Ahimsa Industries Ltd4.00%-8.80%
Bella Casa Fashion & Retail Limited5.00%2,813.93%
VMV Holidays Ltd5.00%-47.40%
Raghuvansh Agrofarms Ltd5.00%1,850.00%
Akme Star Housing Finance Ltd5.83%58.40%
Pecos Hotels and Pubs Ltd6.50%627.60%
Universal Autofoundry Limited6.67%1,053.67%
Filtra Consultants and Engineers Ltd6.90%118.81%
O P Chains Ltd7.36%196.73%
Junction Fabrics and Apparels Ltd8.13%-58.25%
Perfect Infraengineers Ltd9.13%30.43%
Vishal Bearings Ltd9.20%439.40%
M D Inducto Cast Ltd9.26%88.93%
Jiya Eco Products Ltd10.53%-81.00%
Oyeeee Media Ltd12.50%34.50%
Ambition Mica Ltd12.88%-92.55%
Cawasji Behramji Catering Services Ltd14.36%-71.71%
MRSS India15.29%-65.65%
Mangalam Seeds Limited15.50%396.10%
Loyal Equipments Ltd16.94%1,047.22%
Mishka Exim Ltd35.00%283.30%
Patdiam Jewellery Ltd53.29%478.95%
Athena Constructions Ltd54.00%-28.90%