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SME IPO Performance 2019 (IPO History by Year)

Track performance of SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) IPO Stocks listed at BSE SME and NSE Emerge. Click on chart image at the end of each row to view the live stock quotes and charts of the IPO Stock. Click on the issuer company name to get the complete detail of IPO. Check IPO Performance Summary: Issue Price Vs Listing Price | Issue Price Vs Current Price


IPO Performance Tracker

Company Name Listed On Issue Price Listing Day Close Listing Day Gain Current Price Profit/Loss
Expand Axita Cotton Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 10, 2019 ₹60 ₹62.10 3.50% ₹20.98 -65.03%
Expand K.P.I. Global Infrastructure Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 22, 2019 ₹80 ₹81.30 1.63% ₹966.05 2,315.13%
Expand Surani Steel Tubes Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 6, 2019 ₹52 ₹53.25 2.40% ₹337.70 549.42%
Expand Ritco Logistics Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 7, 2019 ₹73 ₹73.55 0.75% ₹303.30 315.48%
Expand Anmol India Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 21, 2019 ₹33 ₹35.90 8.79% ₹32.71 -0.88%
Expand Jonjua Overseas Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 25, 2019 ₹10 ₹11.40 14.00% ₹11.00 10.00%
Expand Mindpool Technologies Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 28, 2019 ₹30 ₹28.50 -5.00% ₹85.00 183.33%
Expand Kranti Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 28, 2019 ₹37 ₹36.95 -0.14% ₹67.98 83.73%
Expand Gleam Fabmat Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 5, 2019 ₹10 ₹8.55 -14.50% ₹2.84 -71.60%
Expand Mahip Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 12, 2019 ₹32 ₹33.60 5.00% ₹3.43 -89.28%
Expand Aartech Solonics Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 27, 2019 ₹34 ₹34.60 1.76% ₹189.50 457.35%
Expand Ashapuri Gold Ornament Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 27, 2019 ₹51 ₹51.00 0.00% ₹7.65 -85.00%
Expand Humming Bird Education Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 28, 2019 ₹132 ₹132.00 0.00% ₹598.50 353.41%
Expand Artedz Fabs Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 29, 2019 ₹36 ₹41.65 15.69%
Expand Roopshri Resorts Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 1, 2019 ₹20 ₹20.25 1.25% ₹39.16 95.80%
Expand Northern Spirits Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 4, 2019 ₹43 ₹43.10 0.23% ₹242.80 464.65%
Expand Osia Hyper Retail Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 5, 2019 ₹252 ₹267.60 6.19%
Expand KHFM Hospitality and Facility Management Services Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 12, 2019 ₹36 ₹36.10 0.28% ₹74.85 107.92%
Expand Jinaams Dress Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 25, 2019 ₹59 ₹56.10 -4.92% ₹2.37 -95.98%
Expand V R Films & Studios Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 30, 2019 ₹61 ₹60.00 -1.64% ₹27.49 -54.93%
Expand G. K. P. Printing & Packaging Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 8, 2019 ₹32 ₹35.00 9.38% ₹9.69 -69.72%
Expand White Organic Retail Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 10, 2019 ₹63 ₹64.30 2.06% ₹5.01 -92.05%
Expand Evans Electric Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 13, 2019 ₹52 ₹54.80 5.38% ₹282.65 443.56%
Expand Artemis Electricals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 14, 2019 ₹60 ₹69.85 16.42% ₹29.52 -50.80%
Expand Par Drugs and Chemicals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 16, 2019 ₹51 ₹50.45 -1.08% ₹239.43 369.47%
Expand Cian Healthcare Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 23, 2019 ₹61 ₹61.50 0.82% ₹19.94 -67.31%
Expand Suich Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 13, 2019 ₹75 ₹71.35 -4.87% ₹4.33 -94.23%
Expand Meera Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 26, 2019 ₹225 ₹221.90 -1.38% ₹45.50 -79.78%
Expand Parshva Enterprises Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 1, 2019 ₹45 ₹46.00 2.22% ₹174.65 288.11%
Expand Anand Rayons Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 2, 2019 ₹27 ₹27.20 0.74% ₹43.94 62.74%
Expand Earum Pharmaceuticals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 4, 2019 ₹36 ₹36.05 0.14% ₹1.45 -95.97%
Expand SBC Exports Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 4, 2019 ₹22 ₹23.10 5.00% ₹27.52 25.09%
Expand City Pulse Multiplex Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 11, 2019 ₹30 ₹29.65 -1.17% ₹294.00 880.00%
Expand A B Infrabuild Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 12, 2019 ₹29 ₹29.15 0.52% ₹52.15 79.83%
Expand SK International Export Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 15, 2019 ₹20 ₹20.00 0.00% ₹17.95 -10.25%
Expand Wonder Fibromats Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Aug 6, 2019 ₹89 ₹89.05 0.06% ₹1,248.30 1,302.58%
Expand Alphalogic Techsys Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 5, 2019 ₹84 ₹84.35 0.42% ₹255.05 203.63%
Expand Transpact Enterprises Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 5, 2019 ₹130 ₹131.00 0.77% ₹325.00 150.00%
Expand Salasar Exteriors and Contour Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 12, 2019 ₹36 ₹36.00 0.00% ₹21.95 509.72%
Expand Novateor Research Laboratories Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 13, 2019 ₹24 ₹24.15 0.62% ₹47.50 97.92%
Expand Shiv Aum Steels Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 1, 2019 ₹44 ₹44.15 0.34% ₹294.00 568.18%
Expand Misquita Engineering Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 4, 2019 ₹27 ₹29.20 8.15% ₹83.00 207.41%
Expand Galactico Corporate Services Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 9, 2019 ₹23 ₹23.05 0.22% ₹3.92 -82.96%
Expand Gensol Engineering Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2019 ₹83 ₹86.25 3.92% ₹937.05 1,028.98%
Expand Goblin India Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2019 ₹52 ₹56.60 8.85% ₹45.34 -12.81%
Expand Sona Hi Sona Jewellers (Gujarat) Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Oct 15, 2019 ₹10 ₹11.40 14.00% ₹120.90 1,109.00%
Expand Anuroop Packaging Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 21, 2019 ₹13 ₹13.91 7.00% ₹32.57 150.54%
Expand Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 27, 2019 ₹51 ₹51.50 0.98%
Expand Ascom Leasing & Investments Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 6, 2019 ₹30 ₹30.25 0.83% ₹127.95 326.50%
Expand DC Infotech and Communication Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Dec 27, 2019 ₹45 ₹45.20 0.44%


  • Stock splits are adjusted in Issue Prices.
  • Bonuses, dividends or other actions are not considered while calculating 'Profit / Loss'.
  • Records on this page are default sorted by IPO list date.
  • Please visit BSE / NSE websites for current stock quotes & charts.
  • Information on this page is last updated on 4 PM.

Mainline IPO Performance Reports (BSE,NSE)

SME IPO Performance Reports (BSE SME, NSE Emerge)

IPO Performance 2019

Company NameListing Day Gain/LossCurrent Gain/Loss
Axita Cotton Limited3.50%-65.03%
K.P.I. Global Infrastructure Limited1.63%2,315.13%
Surani Steel Tubes Limited2.40%549.42%
Ritco Logistics Limited0.75%315.48%
Anmol India Limited8.79%-0.88%
Jonjua Overseas Limited14.00%10.00%
Mindpool Technologies Limited-5.00%183.33%
Kranti Industries Limited-0.14%83.73%
Gleam Fabmat Limited-14.50%-71.60%
Mahip Industries Limited5.00%-89.28%
Aartech Solonics Limited1.76%457.35%
Ashapuri Gold Ornament Limited0.00%-85.00%
Humming Bird Education Limited0.00%353.41%
Artedz Fabs Limited15.69%
Roopshri Resorts Limited1.25%95.80%
Northern Spirits Limited0.23%464.65%
Osia Hyper Retail Limited6.19%
KHFM Hospitality and Facility Management Services Ltd0.28%107.92%
Jinaams Dress Limited-4.92%-95.98%
V R Films & Studios Limited-1.64%-54.93%
G. K. P. Printing & Packaging Limited9.38%-69.72%
White Organic Retail Limited2.06%-92.05%
Evans Electric Limited5.38%443.56%
Artemis Electricals Limited16.42%-50.80%
Par Drugs and Chemicals Limited-1.08%369.47%
Cian Healthcare Limited0.82%-67.31%
Suich Industries Limited-4.87%-94.23%
Meera Industries Limited-1.38%-79.78%
Parshva Enterprises Limited2.22%288.11%
Anand Rayons Limited0.74%62.74%
Earum Pharmaceuticals Limited0.14%-95.97%
SBC Exports Limited5.00%25.09%
City Pulse Multiplex Limited-1.17%880.00%
A B Infrabuild Limited0.52%79.83%
SK International Export Limited0.00%-10.25%
Wonder Fibromats Limited0.06%1,302.58%
Alphalogic Techsys Ltd0.42%203.63%
Transpact Enterprises Ltd0.77%150.00%
Salasar Exteriors and Contour Ltd0.00%509.72%
Novateor Research Laboratories Ltd0.62%97.92%
Shiv Aum Steels Ltd0.34%568.18%
Misquita Engineering Ltd8.15%207.41%
Galactico Corporate Services Ltd0.22%-82.96%
Gensol Engineering Limited3.92%1,028.98%
Goblin India Limited8.85%-12.81%
Sona Hi Sona Jewellers (Gujarat) Ltd14.00%1,109.00%
Anuroop Packaging Ltd7.00%150.54%
Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited0.98%
Ascom Leasing & Investments Ltd0.83%326.50%
DC Infotech and Communication Ltd0.44%