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Mainboard IPO Performance 2008 (IPO History by Year)

Monitor the IPO Performance of Mainline IPO Stocks listed at BSE and NSE. Click on chart image at the end of each row to view the live stock quotes and charts of the IPO Stock. Click on the issuer company name to get the complete detail of IPO. Check IPO Performance Summary: Issue Price Vs Listing Price | Issue Price Vs Current Price


IPO Performance Tracker

Company Name Listed On Issue Price Listing Day Close Listing Day Gain Current Price Profit/Loss
Expand Burnpur Cement Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 3, 2008 ₹12 ₹46.35 286.25% ₹9.95 -17.08%
Expand Aishwarya Telecom Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
May 7, 2008 ₹35 ₹90.85 159.57% ₹21.94 25.37%
Expand Aries Agro Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 11, 2008 ₹130 ₹251.60 93.54% ₹264.40 103.38%
Expand BGR Energy Systems Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 3, 2008 ₹480 ₹901.30 87.77% ₹46.15 -90.39%
Expand Alkali Metals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Nov 6, 2008 ₹103 ₹173.15 68.11% ₹131.15 27.33%
Expand Sita Shree Food Products Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 7, 2008 ₹30 ₹43.90 46.33%
Expand Titagarh Wagons Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 21, 2008 ₹540 ₹707.20 30.96% ₹1,657.10 1,434.35%
Expand GSS America Infotech Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 7, 2008 ₹400 ₹500.65 25.16% ₹93.37 -76.66%
Expand OnMobile Global Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 19, 2008 ₹440 ₹521.90 18.61% ₹82.45 -81.26%
Expand Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 12, 2008 ₹105 ₹121.20 15.43% ₹597.95 469.48%
Expand Porwal Auto Components Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jan 14, 2008 ₹75 ₹79.65 6.20% ₹70.03 -6.63%
Expand Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 22, 2008 ₹150 ₹158.55 5.70% ₹336.50 124.33%
Expand Cords Cable Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 13, 2008 ₹135 ₹138.30 2.44% ₹237.65 76.04%
Expand IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 25, 2008 ₹185 ₹189.05 2.19% ₹66.94 261.84%
Expand Niraj Cement Structurals Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 19, 2008 ₹190 ₹190.15 0.08% ₹46.90 -75.32%
Expand Shriram EPC Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 20, 2008 ₹300 ₹293.60 -2.13% ₹18.42 -93.86%
Expand Bafna Pharmaceuticals Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 27, 2008 ₹40 ₹38.50 -3.75% ₹86.89 117.23%
Expand Gammon Infrastructure Projects Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Apr 3, 2008 ₹167 ₹157.90 -5.45% ₹0.68 -97.96%
Expand Lotus Eye Care Hospital Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 11, 2008 ₹38 ₹35.50 -6.58% ₹64.94 70.89%
Expand J Kumar Infraprojects Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 12, 2008 ₹110 ₹102.70 -6.64% ₹813.60 1,379.27%
Expand Gokul Refoils and Solvent Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jun 4, 2008 ₹195 ₹181.05 -7.15% ₹39.50 1.28%
Expand V-Guard Industries Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Mar 13, 2008 ₹82 ₹73.45 -10.43% ₹449.30 5,379.27%
Expand KNR Constructions Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 18, 2008 ₹180 ₹154.35 -14.25% ₹343.70 854.72%
Expand Bang Overseas Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 20, 2008 ₹207 ₹171.80 -17.00% ₹47.21 -77.19%
Expand Reliance Power Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Feb 11, 2008 ₹450 ₹372.50 -17.22% ₹27.12 -93.97%
Expand KSK Energy Ventures Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 14, 2008 ₹240 ₹190.50 -20.63% ₹0.57 -99.76%
Expand Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 24, 2008 ₹35 ₹25.90 -26.00% ₹219.20 526.29%
Expand Sejal Architectural Glass Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 1, 2008 ₹115 ₹81.50 -29.13% ₹336.35 192.48%
Expand Archidply Industries Ltd
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 4, 2008 ₹74 ₹50.45 -31.82% ₹98.50 33.11%
Expand Birla Cotsyn (India) Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Jul 30, 2008 ₹14 ₹9.20 -34.29%
Expand 20 Microns Limited
IPO Detail | Stock Quotes
Sep 6, 2008 ₹55 ₹33.30 -39.45% ₹217.15 689.64%


  • Stock splits are adjusted in Issue Prices.
  • Bonuses, dividends or other actions are not considered while calculating 'Profit / Loss'.
  • Records on this page are default sorted by IPO list date.
  • Please visit BSE / NSE websites for current stock quotes & charts.
  • Information on this page is last updated on 7/5/2024 4 PM.

Mainline IPO Performance Reports (BSE,NSE)

SME IPO Performance Reports (BSE SME, NSE Emerge)

IPO Performance 2008

Company NameListing Day Gain/LossCurrent Gain/Loss
Burnpur Cement Limited286.25%-17.08%
Aishwarya Telecom Limited159.57%25.37%
Aries Agro Limited93.54%103.38%
BGR Energy Systems Limited87.77%-90.39%
Alkali Metals Limited68.11%27.33%
Sita Shree Food Products Ltd46.33%
Titagarh Wagons Limited30.96%1,434.35%
GSS America Infotech Ltd25.16%-76.66%
OnMobile Global Limited18.61%-81.26%
Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd.15.43%469.48%
Porwal Auto Components Limited6.20%-6.63%
Kiri Dyes and Chemicals Limited5.70%124.33%
Cords Cable Industries Limited2.44%76.04%
IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd2.19%261.84%
Niraj Cement Structurals Ltd0.08%-75.32%
Shriram EPC Limited-2.13%-93.86%
Bafna Pharmaceuticals Limited-3.75%117.23%
Gammon Infrastructure Projects Ltd-5.45%-97.96%
Lotus Eye Care Hospital Limited-6.58%70.89%
J Kumar Infraprojects Limited-6.64%1,379.27%
Gokul Refoils and Solvent Limited-7.15%1.28%
V-Guard Industries Limited-10.43%5,379.27%
KNR Constructions Limited-14.25%854.72%
Bang Overseas Limited-17.00%-77.19%
Reliance Power Limited-17.22%-93.97%
KSK Energy Ventures Ltd-20.63%-99.76%
Somi Conveyor Beltings Limited-26.00%526.29%
Sejal Architectural Glass Ltd-29.13%192.48%
Archidply Industries Ltd-31.82%33.11%
Birla Cotsyn (India) Limited-34.29%
20 Microns Limited-39.45%689.64%