Pls tell me what is the procedure for IPO. I have small business of account work. Main purpose for IPO for corporate office at Ahmedabad and expantion for office at Bhavnagar i.e. computers, furniture , renovation and purchase new SKODA car. Other misc. expenses i.e. pocket expenses, Ashika Expenses and CNBC Expenses, S.P.Tulsian Expenses etc.,
One of my client having Trading & Brokerage business of Grains with office area of just 250 Sqft also having turnover of about 35.00 Crores.
Looking to the type of IPO coming now a days just like this one, I think that they can also bring IPO in the market taking the help of Brokers, underwriter firms, etc.
Cant understand how SEBI clearing such type of IPO's.
As everyone of is aware of the market, it is currently trading without any clear directions but if you closely watch the stocks most of the unfundamental and loss making companies are trading at their life time low.
Also i would like to request our readers that we have to make the right chose and to pick good quality stock come in IPOs/FPOs in the last 3 years which are consistently making good profits since their listing instead of investing in VMS Industries Ltd with no previous track records (also as per my experience the company usually shows good results in their last 2 years of listing to get better valuations)
VMS is an VERY EXTREMELY Poor Fundamental company with Grade one rating given by ICRA (as there are no negative rating) also the issue is managed by the Lead Manager which is having very low credibility.
Also the Directors of the company where try to bring the issue from last 26 months and were now they have done it.
I know there is a link for Bond/Fds, But i am posting this here because this information came to notice to everyone.
Offering 1,50,000 Nos. Subordinated Unsecured, Redeemable, Non-Convertible Bonds Series - I of `10,000/- each aggregating to `150 Crore with a green-shoe option to retain over-subscription. Type Private Placement basis Eligible Investors All Resident Individuals and Domestic Non-Individuals. Rating BWR ‘AA –‘ by Brickwork Ratings India Pvt. Limited Care ‘A’ by CARE Ratings (Credit Analysis & Research Ltd.) Face Value ` 10,000/- per bond Minimum Application ` 1,00,000/- (i.e. 10 Bonds of ` 10,000 each) In multiples of One Bond Trustee Axis Trustee Services Limited Listing Proposed to be listed on BSE Depositories National Securities Depository Ltd. and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. Registrars Link Intime India Pvt. Ltd. Issuance & Trading In dematerialised mode only Mode of Interest Payment / Redemption ECS/At Par Cheques/Demand Drafts Issue Schedule Issue Open Date :June 01,2011 (tentative) Issue Close Date : July 15, 2011 (tentative) The issuer would have the right to pre-close the issue or extend the closing date by giving 1 day notice to the Arrangers
I want to know whether to invest it in or not. Some of brokers / investment consultant says that this bond is not like SBI Bond. It will get listed only on BSE and also in Wholesale Debt Market, where trade volume is very low.
So there is possibility that that your money gets stuck in the Bond. There will not be much appreciation on listing.
Pls. Guide....
38. CLD| Link| Bookmark|
May 30, 2011 8:02:44 PM
Top Contributor (500+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
Can any of the senior members who is having Angel Broking A/c give answers to my questions regarding the Angel Broking firm.
37. SkDash| Link| Bookmark|
May 30, 2011 3:39:18 PM
Top Contributor (1000+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
If your annual income is Rs.2 lac or more, then send one full application. Keep in mind, issue price as stop-loss. Don't be emotional to cut loss. You can make-up in some other issues.
Here, caveat is you must apply to all tiny issues mechanically. Don't use your brain. This is required to cut emotion by reading brokerage house recommendations.
If you apply for 10, you make good money. In some 3 - 4 IPOs you may loose. Apply to bad quality issues is worth taking risk. But, it depends on your financial position.
Please DO NOT apply for such grade 1 IPOs, this could be another one like Vaswani. BRLM is also Ashika. And by chance the name of the company starts with "V". Don't go for this.
34. CLD| Link| Bookmark|
May 30, 2011 2:58:21 PM
Top Contributor (500+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
Dear Sreedhar
As you are dealing with Angel broking, I would like to know the following since I am planning to change my present broker due to high brokerage:
1. For brokerage of 0.1% for delivery & 0.01% for intraday that is fixed for you, Angel is asking me to give a margin money of Rs. 3 lakhs at the time of opening the A/C. However their representative was verbally telling me that I can withdraw any amount after 15 days of A/C opening. Is it true or is it a trap to get my money blocked. If the money gets blocked, I will be losing an interest of Rs. 30,000 annually on this amount. Further, if the magin amount gets decreased to say Rs. 50,000 then does the brokerage rate remain the same.
2. Is there any minimum brokerage Angel is charging to clients. Normally for small shares brokers charge minimum per share basis instead on % value basis.
3. Does Angel allow shortsell on listing day
4. Do they create any problem say undue delay etc. in repatriation of money to my Bank. Do they have online in & out (both) facility for funds transfer from my bank.
5. Are there any terminal glitches during trading especoally on counters of high volume.
6. How is the telephonic response in case of terminal problems.
7. Is it true that Angel is providing 20 times of margin money as trading limit. Upto what share price they provide this limit. Is there any seperate limit for trading small shares
8. What type of terminal they have provided to you. Browser based or some other type. Which plan ( Diet etc. ) they have provided to you.
9. Any other positives & negatives of Angel you want to share.
Pl. reply point by point urgently since I am getting calls from A Angel for opening the A/C
seenuipom Timbor and VMS are going to make a new record of 0 subscrition on day 1. Why are you trying to stop both from wrting history? Both IPO have no bids at 1250 both at NSE and BSE. Don't be a spoilsport! :-p
Dear Ravi Bagalore, I told not enjoy too much where the thief already caought, Please see past issues, Acro petal issued Rs 90/- Now trading in 20s Shilpi issued at 79 -now trading in 20s. They BRLM and company have good gains now they can buyback at 1/5 rate. so that around 70 crores profit. Why we are so particular on Vaswani who is about to mob 30 Crores. As per my thinking Vaswani is a innocent pickpocketor who caught by even small retial investor but dont forget so many dhakoos in the IPO market. Leave the Vaswani let it go.
Finally what is your call on both tiny issues.Can I take kittle risk,I am ready to bear loss if goes aginst.
Having lost money in subcribtion in calloptionputoption rs 2000 and no tips given in one month one tip den at rs 108 is still active and now trading at rs 103 no other tip were given by the company
pl let me now which subcribtion is good and experence of other members