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Rishabhdev Technocable Ltd IPO Message Board (Page 6)

377. Psuj |   Link |  Bookmark | July 9, 2009 10:59:11 AM
Short sell this stock and you will earn profit everyday.
376. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 9, 2009 1:18:27 AM

Please don't give the wrong signal to community that I am earning $$$$$ - SO I CAN WASTE. I valued the money either Dollar or Rupee.

Anyways -
- it won't go/trade above 22.00 within 30 days or,
- start upward journey on/before 10th July or,
- it reaches to 15.00 Rs. before it touches to 22.00.
......Then I will say I did mistake by investing in script too early - Lets see -

******no more discussion for now******

What comes first 15.00 or 22.00?
(I know - Market sentiment is too much bearish - but still I am positive)

Best Wishes
375. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 11:17:56 PM

i like your home work but still i will stick on my view dear... as i don't want to go on deep discussion with you. i know everybody has his own opinion. so best of luck and keep averaging on every dip, i know you are earning in $$$$$ so you can average but just think about small investors who live in India and they are earning in Indian currency.
374. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 10:11:26 PM
I am also PATEL (leaving in USA) but not analyst.

Sorry Spelling mistake - I am living in USA.
I am always playing in stocks - when people loose the trust on them. (But not blindly - calculative)- But I am not always lucky when I buy shares & share started upper journey same day.

Best Wishes
373. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 10:06:42 PM

I am also PATEL (leaving in USA) but not analyst.

Congratulations for your predictions & people who made money on your predictions.

Stock market does not run on fundamental completely - othereise you don't see too much valatality in single day - (Company's fundamental does not change every day)

The point is - you are waiting for last moment while I am accumulating from comfortable level (22.00 is comfortable zone for me). I have started from that level & adding more on every 10-12% dip ................because do you think it will start upper journey gradully & give everyone chance to buy?

Have you seen Volume is decreasing & delivery % is increasing?

Today it close at 17.45 (do you know how many shares traded below 18.00 - because whole day average was 18.16)

Best Wishes
372. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 9:55:55 PM

Let me tell you very simple logic -

The issue was arround 66 lacs share (Public and Others) with Rs. 33.00 - means 22.00 Crores -

22 Crores (Public share) is values as almost 12.00 + crores at this point -

I Guess NOW any small operator can operate this stock buy purchasing just 6.00 (10%) lacs worth shares in a single day - so possible investment at this point arround 1 crore - if it goes below 17.00 - how much it can go below? & How much loss will be -

*** In short now - According to me it is to buy rather than short - makes perfect sense at this level

*** This is 1st attempt to raise money through IPO - so people who wants to bring another IPO (Like ADANI POWER..)will try to make this stock FLY to improve sentiment for IPO(Just possiblility)

In Short I am accumulating this stock for better return -

********* People who waiting to buy till last moment might not be lucky - once it starts upper journey.********

on 10th July - there is a board meeting - any positive news can ends up in Upper Circuit

Best Wishes

# Please if you plan to buy this stock - has capicity to hold this stock atleast for few days/weeks (not months).
# I have long position in this stock. (
371. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 8:37:32 PM

i don't know on what basis you check the stock fundamental. but i still believe it should and it will touch 15 rs and i see this stock can go up to 10 Rs. i know its very hard call but its my view..... so enjoy those who have work on my prediction and earn money and my best wishes with them those who holding @ issue price... try to start average between 15 to 10 rs...

i heard operators are active in this script.....
370. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 8:17:32 PM

Hi Guys -
Yes it is one day over run on bottom - It was due to sentiment -nothing has to do with this stock's fundmental.

Today's delivery 47% Avg 18.16 traded with half the volume -
Infact I am holding my shares at AVG 19.50 now (including with my Day trade profit) - I am not selling infact I will strat day trade BUY first sell later to bring down my Average price arround 19.00 - I will hold it upto offer price 33.00 - may be trade in between (but only if I make profit)

I am not worried at all -

# DON'T sell short - otherwise Who knows what happens?

Best Wishes
369. Dada |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 4:15:48 PM
You should mind money, not loose money. All your analysis is wrong. All we can do is to guide you in right direction, but its upto you to listen or ignore it. Amit sir had clearly given target o 15 long back. But rather than listening, you have been buying more shares and loosing more money. Amit Sir tusi greaaaattttt hoooo..... You could predict price of 15 when everyone is thinking that price will go up. Truely great!!!!!! Based on your advice I have been doing short selling this stock and making lots of money. My average selling price was 22 Rs.(May be Mindmoney was buying from me). Rather than calling it bottom, I will wait till 15 before covering my short position. Or the day this stock moves up, I will cover my short positions. I have already made profit of 50,000 Rs because of advice by Amit Sir. Thanks again to Amit Sir.
368. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 3:44:52 PM
Hi All

as per my TGT Today's Position is LTP:- 17.10 Prev Close :- 19.30. just read every day closing you find only down down down side in this script......

this is not a final bottom as per my view, see todays close......
367. raj Siddhi |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 3:37:36 PM
Hi gaurav u can contact 022 (28207203)(28257641) These people had taken care of transfer of money and shares
366. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 1:39:53 PM
hi guys

see see new lows 17.90 near to my TGT 15 Rs.
365. Gaurav |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 1:20:00 PM

I have applied for this IPO but didn't get any allotments. I have not received my money till now in my bank account. I trade thru Sharekhan portal and checked with Sharekhan and they say that you have to check with company only, your refund will come to your bank directly.

Please advise whom should I contact?

364. RAJESH LEKHI |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 11:51:16 AM
Rishabdev people know they have overvalued their Share. I purchased it at 40 now its at 18/= they have noanswer to my question that who is selling it at 18/= when everyone bought it at 33 at least. So promotors are selling it.
363. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 11:02:49 AM
hi guys

see CMP price 18.30 near to my TGT 15 Rs.
362. Pintu |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2009 10:45:23 AM
What should be done now? I was allotted 1680 shares. I have lost half of my money.
361. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 7, 2009 8:13:03 PM

Let me clear more....

People have made mistake - by applying for the ISSUE at first place without understanding the worth of company.

NOW they are making mistake again by selling at low price (almost 50 - 60% below the offer price)

The people who investing now (Like me) have clear vision for next few months to hold the shares until it comes closer to offer price - Do you think I will be looser? - Lets See

I don't mind to be short time looser - But I will be great winner at the end (few months from now)

# I am not analyst (Like one of the blogger like A.P.) - I am an investor. But make it clear - Stock Market is a school & there is no teacher (Analyst) in that school - Student has to learn by himself/herself from their mistakes.

Best Wishes
360. MINDNMONEY |   Link |  Bookmark | July 7, 2009 7:52:18 PM

Hey GUYS -
Am I not allowed to write - what I feel?
I can understand - people have lost money in this stock - SO I am trying to help them to recover some money -

I am an investor - I bought today large amount of shares at AVG 19.30 -

If you see whole day it trade between 19.10 - 19.65 It didn't break 19.10 - why? - People who are thinking it should go 15.00 Rs. - are they selling but still afraid to sell below 19.10? -

Anyways - Don't forget on 10th July there is board meeting to raise additional capital - Lets see what will happend in that meeting.

I am telling - Don't be too bearish ?

I still say - Today's bottom (19.10) would be final bottom for now - you will see upward journey atleast till 10th July & if positive announcement on 10th - then I will definately make again good money - I am taking my chance.

Best Wishes
359. Amit Patel |   Link |  Bookmark | July 7, 2009 5:06:05 PM
hi 360. Nidhi

k thanks again for your reply....
358. Nidhi |   Link |  Bookmark | July 7, 2009 5:01:30 PM
I don't have yahoo mail id. I have rediff mail id only. Anyway thanks.