fax a letter to religare along with your application copy xerox. also contact them through religares website giving them your full application details i.e your cheque no, bank details etc.
hi, its all about conviction. mundra came down to 840 from listing rate of 1000, before it touched 1040 y'day. the point is - you will get a chance to enter at lower levels.
#1140, i Agree with you. i told that mundra will touch 1050 in a very short time. But some told it will be on 700. today see the mundra level. i told you guys, hold it if you have allote and buy more religare, it will touch 650 in a very few days.
Those whoever wishing this share to comedown for 450/- please check the issue oversubscribtion level then decide. 184.9493(QIB) 215.4472(NI) 93.5018(REtail) 160.56 (total). Religare will not jump overnight, it may take few days to reach 700/-level, until then we will receive such mails saying it will reach 400, 450 etc..