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Ramky Infrastructure Ltd IPO Message Board (Page 29)

200. Sam Ch |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:39:35 PM
Dear boarders,

Don’t blindly depend on last moment call from somebody for Appling an IPO.

Here are few simple steps for IPO (my personal practice steps)

Step 1: yes or no

You should read all posts especially someone give research views then compare them with other blogs or broking firm reports and made up ur mind to go ahead or not for the IPO of company.

Step 2: How much money to invest

Carefully watch the sorption details especially closing day.
get this live subscription detail from and till 2pm or 2.30pm( ASBA submission deadline 3pmn I have no idea about time limit for other way of applications).
Add these retail figures then u will come to how many time it subscribed.

Decide how much money required getting best choice of allotment.

That’s it.
It so simple once starts doing things. It’s so hard if you don’t do this home work and simply depending on others for each and everything.
This is money earning game buddies. Without efforts u will not get profits.

Good job all expert boarders and keep things move on and don’t get hurt with other coments.
199. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:28:50 PM
Hurrah 405 Great
198. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:28:08 PM
hi sj,

please guide us how we can stop our application to be counted as we invested in ipo through ICICI and Kotak, please guide us, we are in process of stopping our application in Carrer issue, please guide us


Rajan and Sunita
197. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:22:41 PM
learned from reliable sorce that price will be fixed at 405.i have applied 4 full application.i will certainly gain 36000-40000 rs
196. Srini |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:21:39 PM (400+ Posts)
I request all of you please please stop attacking on others, it is not better for us, if you want to listen to experts listen, it required lot of time & patience to analyze the company fundamentals, is it necessary to post such information here?. Sj, Gem & Sreedhar are doing these for the sake of small investors like us, please please let them do it and if possible support them, if you fell that posts are not worth leave them, don't read it, regarding Sj's recommendations the question is whether he copied from somewhere or not, what he given here is worth or not, since he came out with company name, see today it hit UC, I have taken 300 shares at 10.7 yesterday, today it went to 11.9 and may be we can see more UC's, also after his recommendation moser baer is in top of group A shares from past 2 days even though market down, why can't you analyze atleast these, so I request all the members to respect experts like Sj, Gem & Sreedhar who are fundamentally strong. It will be benefit for us only, if my message hurt someone I am sorry, but I need those 3 GEMS to be here for guiding us.

My sincere request to Sj, you have proved what you are here, so don't waste time in responding to those negative comments, please be cool always and move in positive way. That's all I can say.
195. Sj |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:18:07 PM (400+ Posts)
Dear 188 SPS

DEAR BOARDERS 188 SPS DID NOT TELL YOU OTHER THING I POSTED MOMENTS AFTER THAT POST. obviously he wants to gain pulicity by atacking me coz he doesnt know how to post productive thing

188 Anonymus






I also posted these minutes after I gave ramu advice i still maintaining that view


plz note one thing i have mentioned

if subscription in ramky is not 3-4 times in retail

and 5-6 times in qib

then it is risky

i will also wait and if subscription finally is not done as per my expectation

i will stop payement or withdraw application

then it will be risky for my clinets

so apply and wait for subscription

if only 1-2 times then risky

then add in cantabil va tech etc....more instead of Ramky
Dear Ramus

there is nothing difficult in it

you can also withdraw after closing

you should blame me if there are losses

why should not you blame

after all you took my advice

and i am responsible for that

wait i ll inform it after i withdraw or not withdraw


Too early to say

@ 140 anonymus

i cant help you ...before 3:30

its too early before that

so withdraw application if you so wish

aur agli baar KOTAK mein jaaakee...thapadd marne saaa&*%^&le ko....


194. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:12:55 PM
Latest News is ramky 4 time
RII 0.95 time At 3.30 PM
193. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:08:27 PM
This one is certainly better than indo solor & tirupati inks.
Better is the ipo price is fixed at lower end
192. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:05:59 PM
Dear all boarders

now Mr.Sj has changed his view and withdrew his and his clients application, after having trapped many boarders, who trusted him and applied online and cannot withdraw.

Anyways he had said that he does not change his view and now that he has, is for all to see how trustworthy he is !!

191. aRYANrAJ |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:05:13 PM
Top Contributor Top Contributor (600+ Posts, 100+ Likes)
Sorry if i hurt anyones sentiments.

I was advocating ramky cos it was a big issue (530 crores) and people are already saving money for ashoka/vatech/tecpro or used in eros/cp/micro.

I never apply full 1 lac application, i assume a subs figure and apply so that I get 1 lot. thats why i skipped cp/mivro/eros BUT i made handsome money in hvml/gppl/sjvn/dq/thanga/eil etc.

as i suggested, i applied 2 lots @ 405 and 2 @ 425. and looking at current figures i'm sure to get shares at 405. thats why i kept saying to apply not at cut-off but at lower end of bid or use multiple bidding.

i was very dishearten to see sj saying "i'll tell at 3.30" when everyone was looking for him as if they can't take own decision. so my 1st feeling of heart came out, in anger or in madness, don't know.

i did not meant to abuse anyone. all i said is rather reading someones recommedations and going for bet your hard earn money do your homework. even sj uses so and so sites. i do my homework from pe to eps to 3 years estimates.

i'm thankfull to chittorgarh that they made me earn me atleast 50k this year alone. and boarders like gems and sjs are doing commendable job. just a request to others that don't just blindfoldly make someone god and stake your money.


naam to suna hoga!
190. Ipo xpert |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:03:14 PM
good ipo must apply for listing gain,

if price band 468 primium will be RS. 20,

if price band 405 primium will be RS. 60,

happy investing........................
189. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:02:26 PM
Arayanraj has the right to say what he feels, Sj is playing with your hard earned money by gambling on your money, Yaar study yourself, learn how to analyse, and give a kick to sadak chaaps like Sj
188. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:02:26 PM
this sj posting from mobile coz i dont know how to type underscore in querty keypad....

Hence cant login

singh thanks for latest update.....

Singh is king singh is king....lolll

At least someone is doing productive work here instead of attacking others without any knowledge of what he is saying

boarders stop application...or withdrwal can be done till 5 pm also dont worry.....

I am also waiting...for further results since update on website is slow

hold on for my call
187. sps |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:02:02 PM
Dear all boarders

Read following Sg's comments at 122 and decide for yourself whether to trust this self-proclaimed analyst (you will find many more such weird comments ....) :


if you want to listen to other boarders then why are you asking my advice

what is final and what is non final

whatever i say i mean it final

i never change my view

if you are feeling stress dont apply in Ramky

there are also other IPOS

me a nd my clients going for Ramky"
186. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 4:01:03 PM
Those who have applied to this ipo will only feel happy after the ipo price is fixed. if it at 425 then we can expect some listing gains may be 40 rupees a share. for a lot 14*40=560, for full appln 8400 gain is possible. if retail subs is less than 1time. i think this is reasonable gain than the three ipos closed this week.

I think less subscription figure are low only because of shortage of funds.
earlier i have applided for 6lots and finally reduced to 2lots. since i fell company has gud value.

Ramkishore (Ramky) friends call me so.
185. Singhh |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 3:51:58 PM
Subscription catching up. was .50x overall on BSE (only) at 3 and is 1.23x now.
184. Ipowatcher |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 3:48:02 PM
dear aryanraj,

pl Refrain from attacking anybody in this site. Experts are posting analysis for the sake of the boarderers for their sake. you already know that nothing is perfect in market. there is no perfect advice here. may be Ramky may be good in the long term, though it is a skip now.

SJ & GEM has been contributing well for this fraternity. there is no point in judging somebody just by seeing a few posts. keep eading this ite atleast for a few months to judge the analysis and its worth
183. Singhh |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 3:43:57 PM
At 3 as per BSE and NSE

QIB 2.84x
NII .33x
Ret .41x
182. Sj |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 3:43:26 PM (400+ Posts)
dear aryan raj

where did i copy moser baer ?

where did i copy dmc international

where did i copy se investment

where did i copy ranbow

where did i copy prakash steelage for short sell

where did i copy sks for long term and gave till 2015 projection

where did i copy GPPL....

where did i copy garware polyster at 192 gave target 250

I think you are mentally ill

where did i backtracked

i said careepoinyt is good

but since no allotment or less allotment i withdrew

i said that ramky is good

but if less than 4-5 please wait

whats wrong in that...


Other boarders are not foolish

they now me

you only want to gather attention

at least if you want to attack attack with research of me

you even did not do that

i pity you

if i was you i would have copllected all your posts

and then attacked you after research

thats what i do i do research

you do not....
181. Anonymous |   Link |  Bookmark | September 23, 2010 3:43:24 PM
I am in Ahmadabad GMP is -18 only seller no buyer.