@Crow sir, SHNI allotment process works same as retail allotment process , the difference being the applied and alloted amount of course. Taking example of a recent ipo Interach Building -
Total HNI shares offered in Interach = 14.94% of issue size
SHNI (in which you want to apply) shares offered = 4.98% from 14.94% (i.e absolute terms)
Theoretically in any mainboard ipo SHNI is the category with least shares offered.
Coming back to premier energies , we have same allocation as interach in shni category here. You'll have to apply minimum of INR 207900 worth of shares to be elegible for SHNI and if you get alloted , you'll get shares worth the same amount. Like in retail , no point of applying more than minimum required lots in oversubscribed ipo. You can apply HNI bid from UPI or ASBA as suitable. DO NOT select cut off option while applying in HNI , enter upper price band rate manually in your application. Hope it helps.