Mr Natrajan/SK dash Thanks for reply. Argeed the way to deal such small IPO Mr Natrajan but the problem is limited funds.
Applying through ASBA is risky as I don't know how to withdraw and if apply physical then I may not get refund in time to apply in Tijaria which is looking good to me.
BTW do u guys have enough funds to apply in desired issue or made some strategy.
34. SkDash| Link| Bookmark|
September 21, 2011 11:02:52 AM
Top Contributor (1000+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
There is no first in first allot method in any IPO, so no meaning in applying on the first day. I will sub fig today @ 1.00 pm and if it is too much, i will avoid, and if it is overall within 1-2, will apply in small lot and will keep my eye and ear open to withdraw applcn before allotment if need will come.
let me remind you what sreedhar told somedays back in this forum that he will keep a watch on the movement of all small issues and inform about the back office operation.
dear friends, Italy ratting has been down graded by Moody on this monday evening but i have not seen any such news in our Money control or economic times. people are hiding the news for general public or it is already priced in and everybody is having a knowledge of the same? please comments
For a small issue such as this no expert opinion needed. Wait till the last moment and apply if the QIB/NII category is subscribed well. Or you can apply for some lots and see if the issue is operated. If so, put a stop loss just below the issue price and enjoy the ride and enjoy profit. If it lists below issue price sell immediately and short more and enjoy.
Noone is talking about Prakash.Everyone is expecting comments on this from senior boarders as we can use it's refund in other coming IPOs. Sreedhar/Ravi/Natrajan kuch to prakash dalo.
I am waiting for flexituff international. Likely to be opened on 29th of this month. Heard very good issue at excellent price. Cant put any money in any of these high priced issues.
SK Dash Ji Let's start with Prakash Constrowell first. Issue is closing tomorrow.Have u decided how much portion of available funds u will allocate to this?