Possibility of loss is almost close to zero. Gains will be low-medium. But even little guaranteed gain is better than playing with secondary market if you don't have the ability to judge fair price of a stock by yourself.
There has not been any single person in history who has or could predict the share market all the time. So, whoever advises you to buy or sell a stock - no matter how reputed he/she is, you have to apply your judgement before acting. In the end, it is your hard earned money. No point complaining someone about your loss.
We will get share at 85.50 and I am expecting at in worst case at least price will remain on 95. Sell 75% of your allotment on above 95 to avoid any future risk. If something really bad happen then we can always say we have bad luck..But in normal Luck we can get Rs-10 per share atleast.
Manipulators are trying to hold the price above 100 in the market. The issue will result in equity dilution, I expect the listing price to be in the range of 95-98 (considering the market does not fall more than 1000 points)
Post announcement of Price Band of this FPO Rs 85 to Rs 90, the market price declined by Rs 5 to Rs 6 and closed on Rs 97/-. From next day onwards the market price started gain and hovering around Rs 101 to Rs 103 for last three days. a) Is there some entity giving support to the stock? considering today broader market decline was larger b) Post closure of IPO, will the price would be sustainable, in case market declines further say BSE by another 500 points. This share fundamentally strong,for last one year has not moved much range Rs 90 to Rs 120/- and relatively underperformed. The performance of PFC and REC has been better. This may be on account company's commitment towards higher capital expenditure and considerable funds deployed as capital work-in progress. regards, IPO GARV
There are many IPOs/ FPOs lined up by the government. In order to keep the investors interest in the IPO/FPO market govt is pricing it at discount. In the past govt has made full of the public in the IPOs like NHPC, SJVNL. It was huge loss for the retail investors.
We can expect the subcription in retail category at cut off price would be nearly 1.5 - 2 times. As of now it is nearly .45 times. Considering huge subscription on last day it can be expected that it will be overscibed by 1.5 times. People applying below cut off price will get rejected. There are 99.99% chance that FPO price will get fixed at 90.
@705 How does few more hours will make a difference. Though no brokerage website provide it beyond 2 PM. Reason is that they need to submit the application to the stock exchange before 5 PM,
The third number is only your trading account number. Only the first two numbers are required to filled for the application. It seems that you are having trading account with ICICI HDFC or some other.
I don't have any targets in mind, but I am going for 2 full applications, I will apply by tomorrow afternoon. BTW anything sold for coal india or just holding 199 shares?.