Basis of Allotment for MindTree Consulting for Retail Investors
Category No. of
applications % to total No. of
Equity Shares
applied % to total No. of
Equity Shares
allocated Ratio Total no. of
Equity Shares
Shares allocated
15 38,732 11.198 580,980 1.373 15 3:86 20,340
30 33,432 6.665 1,002,960 2.370 15 3:43 35,245
45 21,910 6.334 985,950 2.330 15 9:86 34,530
60 22,271 6.439 1,336,260 3.158 15 7:50 46,800
75 10,775 3.115 808,125 1.910 15 7:40 28,290
90 13,447 3.888 1,210,230 2.860 15 17:81 42,375
105 64,698 18.705 6,793,290 16.052 15 12:49 237,915
120 9,731 2.813 1,167,720 2.759 15 7:25 40,890
135 2,448 0.708 330,480 0.781 15 17:54 11.565
150 6,120 1.769 918,000 2.169 15 7:20 32,145
165 1,690 0.489 278.850 0.659 15 5:13 9,765
180 2,771 0.801 498,780 1.179 15 21:50 17,460
195 1,904 0.550 371,280 0.877 15 5:11 12,990
210 3,628 1.049 761,880 1.800 15 24:49 26,670
225 112,334 32.477 25,275,150 59.724 15 52:99 885,240