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Company Name KOLTE PATIL DEVELOPERS LIMITED Application No. 12600452 Applicant Name THANGARAJ N No. of Shares Applied 160 No. of Shares Alloted 0 Amount Refunded 23200.00
Listing is expected on 12/20. Listing price to be about 230.. will touch the intraday of about 280. 3 months target 350-400 due to the favourable law being passed..
this law will also make the Bombay Dying stock very lucrative because they hold prime land in Mumbai. same with Godrej...
Hi Pushpa Devi Rajpal Company Name KOLTE PATIL DEVELOPERS LIMITED Application No. 12601598 Applicant Name PUSHPA DEVI RAJPAL No. of Shares Applied 120 No. of Shares Alloted 0 Amount Refunded 17400.00 regards, Sankar A