Hats off to big share. Even there was contraversy issue by sebi,big share has done excellent job.I request to all other registers to learn this lesson of resposibility and do allotment on right time thanks bigshare once again.
Dear 506.Narayan, You are Lucky enough as you have been alloted 40 against 440, I have not got any share even though I was applied for 480 with an investment of 69600.Can any body know the basis of allotment.
For my appln. no., it shows no records. What does it mean ?. In case of Varun industries, it displayed details like name of applicant, allotted shares and refund details. What does this no records means?
S Allotment is out. Please go thro Chittogarh Connecting Kolte Patil's Big Share Web Site. The Allotment for 1 Lakh Appln is 44 Shares , I have checked and got allotment. Best of Luck for others.
Bigshares's web site shows link for Kolte-Patil allotment status. When I gave appl. no. it shows "No records". What does it mean ? allottment details are not available or I have not been allotted any shares ? Any body who got allottment may please give their appl. no. to verify