will list around 200 and close on 120 to 125. so sell.....sell.......sell........sell.............on listing day.
Luks like the litigation news was all overcooked, the kind of allotment given just makes it clear that nobody among the big boys n clever guys took it seriously (frankly it wasn't even worth discussing about), those who had withdrawn their application due to severe nervous breakdown, high BP, spinning of head, panic/flight or fight response to stimuli .. are the ones who have lost.
An example of Mass!!from the stone age.
Even I didn't received any refund on my indusind and axis bank delhi account till date. i am waiting like any thing if any body got the same plz tell me or leave the message
Hi..I have withdrawn the application. I havent got the refund in my account through ICICIdirect. Pls let me know if any one has received the refund in Bangalore.