Hi Chetan - If you check the IPO order status in your trading account it will give you an indication of allotment or not. IPO order status is usually updated earlier then the allotment status link on registrar website. (I use HDFC securities as my trading portal).
Same happened with Bandhan Bank. GMP was very less but stock opened almost Rs. 100 more than the listing price. I think it should open around Rs. 650/-
My online banking acct shows that i have applied twice for the same IPO and the status in one of them is 'pending' and the the other one is ' failure' but the amount is marked lien. Is there any chance of getting the IPO.
433.1. dpcdsl| Link| Bookmark|
May 16, 2018 12:52:36 AM
Top Contributor (400+ Posts, 200+ Likes)
Yes, the application with "pending" status is valid, lien marked and second one rejected hence status "failure".
Hasn't BJP won more seats compared to last elections? So those who are convinced that they have a magic wand to help the nation turn the corner should actually rejoice, as after the dress rehearsal, the road to the 2019 final appears pretty straight and easy...
Otherwise this discussion about who might form government in a state is just as futile yet entertaining as the rumorous talk among hookah craving oldies around village chowpals....I mean that talk about affairs of all kinds, including extra marital affairs, you see...
कर्नाटक के राज्यपाल ने शर्त रखी है कि अगर कांग्रेस कुमारस्वामी को समर्थन देकर मुख्यमंत्री बनाना चाहती है, तो राहुल गांधी को बिना रुके कुमारस्वामी का 3 बार नाम लेना होगा।
कुमार स्वामी का पूरा नाम है...हरदन हल्ली दे दे गौडा देवे गौडा कुमारस्वामी गौडा