I have appllied for 1040 shares of GPPL through sharekhan and the exchange reference No. is 201008260056346 and application No. has been mentioned as '0'. Can anybody please tell me why is it so and how to find out my application status.
I was holding some share of GPPL in DMAT form since last couple of years. but on Sep 4 these shares withdrawn from the account. can some body tell reasons for such
this is not a 'sell on listing & forget' type share, though the company is still in red even after long period of operation,but looking at the geographical situation of its port & stong parent APM group, future of this company is very bright..... those who can hold for 1-2 years should definitely hold...i had expressed same opinion about pipavav shipyard & see the result after one year of ipo...gppl will repeat the same story but only in long term(1-2 years)
I have applied for 1040 shares of GPPL through sharekhan and my applcation No. is 201008260056346. Can anybody tell how many shares i have been alloted please.