@DEVBULL 1) Yes, I am senior citizen like you. Attained the age of 60 last month.
2) Thanks for sharing the basis of calculations.
ICICI queries and answers -
1) What is the cut off time on IPO closing day for HNI?
3.00 PM ( as per their website and i normally complete the application of ipo previous day. Other users can share their experience.)
2) Whether FD linking facility is availabale?
When opeing the FD, we have to select Money multiplier which creates linked FD with them. Afterwards, You cannot link / delink the FD through net banking. We can delink / link the FD through the branch officials. It is not possible to close the linked FD and we should just draw the money which will be taken from linked FD. Delink / link is a very good option and it is not available. In Kotak, it is available.
3) Whether we can apply multiple FDs and individually linked into Savings A/c through Net Banking?
We can apply multiple FDs in money mutiplier so that linked FDs can be created. If you have created standard FD and want to link it, there is no option in net banking. But, you can request branch and they can convert the standard fd into linked FD. This can be done through phone also through the branch if you know them
Rs.10000 minimum ballace will be maintained and if it goes less, it will draw from linked FD.
4) Supposing we have 2 lakhs in Savings A/c and 50 lakhs in FDs (i.e. Rs.5 lakhs x 10 FDs);
i) whether we can apply for IPO for 51 lakhs (i.e. blocking the amount in the savings a/c and FDs) leaving just one lakh only as Combined Balance?
You can apply for 52 lakhs. ( Saving balalnce and linked FD balance)
ii) in that situation, in case of allotment of shares for Rs.1.4 lakhs (SME), whether the debit instructions will be met out from available savings balance of Rs.2 lakhs without breaking FD(s).
Yes. It will taked from saving account and no FD will be broken. I maintain 10000 only in saving account and If allottment comes, i will add the required amount in savings account which will be deducted.
iii) supposing allotment of shares is for Rs.2.1 lakhs (Main Board), in that scenario of insufficient savings balance (short by Rs.10 thousand), whether latest FD of Rs.5 lakhs only will be broken to meet out the debit instructions or entire FD(s) blocked for applying for IPO will be broken.
Latest FD of Rs.5 lakhs only will be broken. Assuming 2 lakhs in your saving account, Rs.20 thousand will be swiped into Savings A/c and balance of Rs.4.8 lakhs will remain as FD so that minimum balalnce of 10000 is maintained in saving account.
You can create a linked FD for Rs.15000 and apply a retail application. That will gives a good hands on experience before any shifting of bank.
The maximum rate of interest is 7.6% for 15 months.
I hope above answers is sufficiient and if you have any queries,let me know.