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Credit Analysis & Research Ltd IPO Message Board (Page 10)

113. ValueSeeker |   Link |  Bookmark | December 17, 2012 11:53:05 AM
IPO Mentor IPO Mentor (1100+ Posts, 400+ Likes)
By when do we expect ASBA funds to get unblocked?
112. shafin rupani |   Link |  Bookmark | December 17, 2012 9:27:34 AM
Allotment will be out on thursday and listing will be on Monday ..............
111. Aar Key |   Link |  Bookmark | December 17, 2012 9:15:55 AM
When allotment will be out and what could be the basis of allotment? Case A or Case B!!!
110. SAHIL SATIJA |   Link |  Bookmark | December 17, 2012 8:48:41 AM
I have applied for 20 shares, any chance of allotment. & allotment date please?
109. m.l.a. |   Link |  Bookmark | December 16, 2012 10:25:29 AM
dear premal shah kindly update regarding any premium in bharati, kindly inform before cheque clearance, thanks
108. vasu devan |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 12:20:31 PM
Thanx Live lovelaugh for your reply.If we go by the SEBI guideline of minimum allotment to all retail applicationswith 26lakhs shares offered under retail segment and 310000 applicants, it will fall short for all the applicants to get the minimum lot of 20 shares-inspite of the possibility of a few applications getting rejected on technical grounds. Your views.
108.1. AAAA |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 4:42:59 PM
Friend if there are 310000 application & 130000 lots of 20 shares each then the ratio becomes 31:13 that means out of 31 applications only 13 will get one lot (i.e. 20 shares) irrespective of there application amount (i.e.from 15k to 195k)
107. RUPESH |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 11:48:26 AM
106. Anil Bahl |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 11:41:31 AM
As Under new SEBI guidelines for allotment to retail investors, shares are to be allotted to all applicants subject to availability, SEBI should consider making more shares available for allotment to retail investors by diverting from QIB/ HN I quotas in cases where Retail portion is highly oversubscribed, so that all applicats are allotted at least minimum lot of shares. This will help to ahieve the govrnment''s objective of broad basing share holding among a very large number of investors. Why should QIBs and HNIs get more shares per application when retail investors are getting very meagrely allotment.
How can we send this suggestion to SEBI.
105. live lovelaugh |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 8:18:51 AM
....likely allotment by 20/12,refund by 21/12 ,share credit by 22/12 and 23.24.25 is holiday ,hence proposed listing by 26/12.
105.1. live lovelaugh |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 8:30:32 AM
sorry... proposed listing is on 26 although 24 is working day.
104. bcskal |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 6:40:18 AM
Hello All,
I think allotment for CARE IPO would be mostly done on 21st or 22nd Dec. 2012 and listing would be mostly on 26.12.12(Wednesday). Thanks.
103. ms mudd |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 10:44:14 PM
SEBI notified that all retail investors will get benefited by allotting at least MINIMUM NUMBER OF SHARES.
102. ms mudd |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 10:30:24 PM
Care final price fixed at Rs.750/-. It will list on 24th dec 2012 before chritmas.
101. live lovelaugh |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 7:05:00 PM
as per my information ....yes and this is what i learned from a veteran of new issue,,,may be we need to just wait for 6 days to know the exact answer.
101.3. gemipofinder |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 3:30:04 PM
no one will get more than 20 shares....

and as per new rule every application has same chance to get allotment in CARE type over subscription figures
101.4. gemipofinder |   Link |  Bookmark | December 15, 2012 3:31:31 PM
YES u are correct that in retail min & max allotment 20 sh only
100. vasu devan |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 3:19:20 PM
Is there any break-up data available on the retail applications in various lot sizes.As per your info if the total no of applied in this segment is 3,10,000 - and the majority of it is skewed in the minumum lot category, does one stand chance of FIRM allotment/ more share as we go to the maxiumum of 2 laks- pls enlighten.
99. vasu devan |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 9:11:25 AM
Please read That the only comfort ONE GETS IN APPLYING IN THE MAXIMUM SLAB OF 2 lakhs will be very higher chances of getting an allotment.Sorry for the miss.
98. vasu devan |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 9:07:41 AM
I too feelthat the maximum shares one may get will be only 20.The only comfort when one applies will be they stand VERY high chances of getting an allotment. But here one need to ponder on the return one will get on LISTING GAINS vis-a-vis the interest one would lose on the money locked in applying for 20- 25 days. ASBA will be useful to overcome that.
97. live lovelaugh |   Link |  Bookmark | December 14, 2012 9:05:11 AM
Learned that considering the new rule and about 6.5 times retail over subscription in CARE all retail applicant must get minimum 20 shares allotment.applicant of 20 share will get minimum lot of 20 and higher applicant will get 21 and plus. more information will be sweetly admired.
cheque cleared yesterday....likely allotment by 20/12,refund by 21/12 ,share credit by 22/12 and proposed listing by 26/12.
96. P Badala |   Link |  Bookmark | December 13, 2012 3:11:49 PM
with new roles comming into play following factors will decide allotment.
no of shares available for retail and minimum lot, total number of applicant and finally in your lot category what is the no of applicant. thus if issue get oversuscribe more that maximum allottees chances of getting proporsnate allotment as to be earlieris out and one has to happy with minimu lot that to based on lottery .
95. Krishna M |   Link |  Bookmark | December 12, 2012 10:02:47 PM
You will receive the 79.05 shares,

95.1. P Badala |   Link |  Bookmark | December 13, 2012 3:18:33 PM
there is no chance of getting more then 20 shers that to if you are luckey.
94. market veiw ashish |   Link |  Bookmark | December 12, 2012 8:30:14 PM
I applied for 180 shares. how much shares will be alloted to me?
94.1. P Badala |   Link |  Bookmark | December 13, 2012 3:23:58 PM
maximum 20 shares that to if you are luckey.