@Harsh Newguru Good question. However, please understand that each IPO has a reserved quota (number of shares) for IPO individual or retail investors. The reservation depends on several factors, including the type of issue.
1. Book Building Issue (profitability route) where minimum 35% is reserved for retail portion
2. Book Building Issue (QIB route) where not more than 10% is reserved for retail investors
3. Fixed price IPO where minimum 50% of the net offer is allocated to retail investors
BLS E-Services IPO qualifies under 2 as it does not meet certain other conditions of 1 which are listed below :
* The company should have net tangible assets of at least Rs 3 crores in each of the three preceding years.
* For fresh issues (not OFS), of the above Rs 3 crores of tangible assets, not more than 50% should be cash or cash equivalent.
* The company should have an average operating profit (before tax) of at least Rs 15 crore in any of the three years out of the last five years.
As the last condition is not met by this company, it falls under category 2 as explained above and hence retail quota is limited to 10% only.
Hope, it helps.
Source of Info : https://www.chittorgarh.com/book-chapter/ipo-investors/7/