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Aster Silicates Ltd IPO Message Board (Page 9)

123. Murali bajye |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2010 6:10:43 PM









122. Ipofinder |   Link |  Bookmark | July 8, 2010 8:48:42 AM
Allotment will be out today..
Keep checking the registrar website
121. Chanda |   Link |  Bookmark | July 6, 2010 10:11:32 PM
Ravi Bangalore.

In all the stocks you mentioned, Educomp will do good.
It has beaten down so much, avaiable at very cheap price.
Just see the stock price after this Quarter results.

120. Rahul |   Link |  Bookmark | July 6, 2010 5:06:49 PM
Allotment wil be out 2morrow nd refund wil credit on thursday n listing on monday,so watch out guys,premium 7 to 7.5
119. K.K.Natarajan |   Link |  Bookmark | July 1, 2010 5:53:29 AM
Ravi, Bangalore,
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I will add these based on the availability of money. What about Bharti Airtel, GMR infra, JP Associates, Unitech etc.?
118. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 8:01:35 PM
116. TruthSeeker

In your city do you get "Mint" financial magazine? In that magazine, stock quotes are grouped sector-wise. Compare the P/E multiple with peers & choose cheap stocks. Compare trailing (or historical) P/E (not Expected or Forward P/E).

For Banking Sector, you may require to compare Book Value also in addition to P/E. For real-estate companies, don't pick based on P/E multiple. You need to collect NAV or land-bank value to choose them.

Some may critisize that stocks are down because of deep problem they are facing. However, stock market discounts all known factors & their prices reflect that. Otherwise they would have not fallen so much. As bad news are discounted, they have less downside & more upside. But, to manage market risk, you need to buy them in four instalments (once in three months). You will be fully invested over a year & you will invest in different market cycles.

In 2008 bear market (mother of all bear markets), market took just 10 months to find bottom. Hence, I believe within one year most stocks may find bottom & your cost price would be close to prevailing market price when you give a gap of three months.

In contrast, if you go for price average, you should note that Ambani Group & real-estate sector stocks lost more than 90% value from their peak. In that case, you will be throwing your money to drains if you average on every 20% - 30% kind of dips.

Ideally, you can exit when you get 30% returns.
117. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 7:46:55 PM
K.K.Natarajan / Mary

You can make long-term investment in following stocks. These stocks are in my portfolio. I used to make entry & exit in most of these stocks:-

1. Punj Lloyd 136
2. NMDC 266
3. Tata Communication 262
4. Suzlon 58
5. Educomp 533
6. REI Agro 31
7. Renuka 68
8. DLF 289
9. India Infoline 97
10. Everest Kanto Cylinder

You can buy them for long-term. I use stop-loss as I use tools to cut my emotion. But, my suggestion to you is don't use stop-loss. Instead, do time averaging i.e. buy in four instalments (once in three months). Even you can buy three or four stocks every three months.

If any stocks fall more than 20% after three months, buy again so that your average price will be close to prevailing market price. In case your stocks is in profit or lost less than 20%, then, choose different stocks.

I had advised Aban also earlier in addition to above stocks. However, I am likely to exit that counter soon. Fundamental analyst have started to give buy call.

Right now, I don't have Reliance Capital (earlier I recommended). But I may add later. This kind of entry & exit may not be suitable for everybody.

DISCLAIMER: I have them in my portfolio for medium-term & hence, I have vested interest. Do your own research before acting on my investment advise.

This recommendation is given to you as per your desire.
116. padamjain |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 11:26:53 AM

Hello Ajayghosh alias barking dog.

So the dog has started growling.

You need to do better than that.

Otherwise you will only whimper and end up scratching the eczema that you have all over your body.

Just shut up and go bark up another tree.

Ravi does not need any benamis.You need one with some brain in it.Keep barking and you may become one beimani quickly.

We don't need you.Get lost.Quick and forever.
115. Padamjain |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 10:21:59 AM

RAVI Bangalore.

Ignore Ajaygosh.
He has nothing positive to contribute.
A barking dog.
His aim is to irritate you.If you respond to his sick postings, he will WIN.
He does not know the basics of stock markets.
There is no single method that works correctly all the time.
One must take advice from all sources and he must use his knowledge and risk taking capacity to be successful in the market.
This blog is free service.You can't expect to come here and go back a millionaire.

Keep up the good work.IGNORE all the hate postings.
They are not worth anyone's time responding.Even mine.
But I have posted this to show our support to you and how we appreciate your thoughts on the market.
114. Paramvirsinh |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 9:47:49 AM
SELL: -- UCO BANK:76.90 TRG:75.80
SELL: -- TCS:751 TRG:710
113. TruthSeeker |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 9:38:53 AM

Appreciate your thoughts :)
It does make sense.
But I'm not sure how to explain my dilemma. Finding value stocks in the market for someone like me is like locating a needle in a haystack.
I know its ironical, altho im asking you but its easier said than done.
I'm not expecting an answer to my question cos I understand "finding the right value stocks" does not have a right or wrong answer.

Anyway I really do apprecite your insight and desire to help people like me.
And, don't bother justifying yourself to everyone. You are wasting your time :) Just do your job and leave the rest to others.
And you are doing a real fab job!!!

Thanks a tonne.
112. K.K.Natarajan |   Link |  Bookmark | June 30, 2010 6:03:27 AM
Ravi,Bangalore did not tell people to buy DLF and Reliance Capital when they were at 1200 and 2600 respectively. He is suggesting it as a long term buy only because they have been beaten down. Why can't you understand things properly before making a comment?
111. Rahul |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 6:58:16 PM
Thank God,i nt heard ny one,n take my own decision,i had applied 3 ful applicaton,nd i got 425 to 450 shares definatly,nd hope so it wil list around 128 to 130
110. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 6:45:20 PM

For Standard Chartered, I have posted that investors could apply in lower band. Fair value Rs.127.

I applied at lower band & did not get allotment.

You are feeling left-out syndrome.

In this site, some five-six people really work hard, collect information & give information honestly. Market is supreme & beyond anybody's control.

People subscribe SMS service by paying Rs.5,000, Rs.10,000 or even Rs.25,000 & loose heavily. They can't hold them accountable. I am just giving opinion to strangers in blog. You are blaming stranger for your stock market decision. I think you will never become successful in stock market unless your attitude change.

In TV, there are many brilliant people giving opinion. Why don't you follow them. Is it possible to make money in market just following some advise blindly without doing your home-work?

In blogs, you are expected to collect information & use it as one of input for your research. I am giving my opinion with good intention.

There is some limitation, beyond which whether you loose or win, who cares? Take responsibility for your money.
109. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 4:21:19 PM
124. Ajayghosh

By the time news broke-out that Essar Oil won orders, it was too late to make profitable trade. Because, before news was made public, early birds were waiting to get out. So, when you know the reason, it was already factored-in.

Have you heard adage- BUY on rumours & sell on news?

If you want EPS, growth prospects, you get many brokerage reports. Investor can get from their broker. Accountants know how to crack numbers. But, why all Accountants are not rich?

People who bought DLF, Adlab at peak would have been pauper now. That applies to you. You know only to buy & don't know when to get-out. How you traded in Tarapur?

I have explained 8-year Super-Cycle concept in earlier Posts. I think you have not read that.

You can also post your views. Why don't you give your opinion. If your analysis proves right, then, people will ask for your views also.

Why people not asking you? Because, you are not giving opinion. If you give your opinion, Board Members will benefit. They get more information.

Board Members are intelligent. They only read postings. They know how to take decisions.

Above all, I am not forcing anybody to act on my view. It is their decision.
108. Mexx |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 4:06:17 PM
Hi Ravi,Bangalore

I feel you are very sentimental guy.Today there were some post against you.But those are people who had burnt their fingers in recent IPO's and after watching subscription of Aster(now they are assuming that listing will be with huge margin), They had missed the train.
And now looking someone to vomit their frustration.
Now coin is tossed ....let it settle down.Wait and watch.

Ravi! there is a saying ‘The dog barks but the elephant moves on’

So cheers ..Keep moving!
107. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 3:47:08 PM
104. Vivek, 117 Chem Cho (or KEM CHO), 83 Sushil, 111 Chetan,

There is no reason for you people to blame me simply because I had not given my views about this issue at all before this IPO closes.

You are blaming me because you are biased. You did not buy because before issue closes you knew nothing & after seeing good subscription figures, doing post-mortem.

Board Members are intelligent. People will not take investment decision just because I have posted my view. Before putting lakhs of rupees, investors will collect infomration from various sources.

Anyway, people came to know your true colour. Probably one or two persons are posting information to create bad propaganda.
106. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 3:29:13 PM
103. TruthSeeker

Please refer Post # 121.

As you have asked, I have given my personal view.
105. Ravi, Bangalore |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 2:38:38 PM
1. An investment style that goes against prevailing market trends by buying stocks that are performing poorly and then selling when they perform well.

A value investor believes that the people who say the market is going up do so only when they are fully invested and have no further purchasing power. At this point, the market is at a peak. On the other hand, when people predict a downturn, they have already sold out, at which point the market can only go up.

Value investing also emphasizes out-of-favor securities with low P/E ratios, (for Banking sector P/E & Book Value & for real-estate sector, NAV or land bank value).

2. Obviously there are two decisions to be taken- one is when to buy & another is when to sell. The difficult part is to know when to sell.

Have some targets in mind by reading brokerage house reports, financial magazines etc. When your script is near that target, take a sell decision.

Constant monitoring about stocks in your portfolio (at least once a month) is required to keep your information up-to-date.

If your expectation is Rs.30 upside, then it is ideal to cut your loss when you loose more than Rs.10.
104. mary |   Link |  Bookmark | June 29, 2010 1:40:03 PM

dear ravi bangalore,

i think your analysis, comments and thoughts are amongst the best i have seen anywhere so far.

i have learnt a lot from reading your writings.
