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Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Vs Long Condor (Long Call Condor) Options Trading Strategy Comparison

Compare Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) and Long Condor (Long Call Condor) options trading strategies. Find similarities and differences between Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) and Long Condor (Long Call Condor) strategies. Find the best options trading strategy for your trading needs.

Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Vs Long Condor (Long Call Condor)

  Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Long Condor (Long Call Condor)
Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Logo Long Condor (Long Call Condor) Logo
About Strategy The Short Strangle (or Sell Strangle) is a neutral strategy wherein a Slightly OTM Call and a Slightly OTM Put Options are sold simultaneously of same underlying asset and expiry date. This strategy can be used when the trader expects that the underlying stock will experience a very little volatility in the near term. It is a limited profit and unlimited risk strategy. The maximum profit earn is the net premium received. The maximum loss is achieved when the underlying moves either significantly upwards or downwards at expiration. A net credit is taken to enter into this strategy. For this reason, the Short Strangles are Credit Spreads. The usual Short Strangle Strategy looks like as below for NIFTY current index value at 10400 (NIFTY S... Read More A Long Call Condor is a neutral market view strategy with a limited risk and a limited profit. The long call condor investor is looking for little or no movement in the underlying. It is a 4 leg strategy which involves buying 2 ITM Calls and 2 OTM Calls at different strike price with the same expiry date. The strategy is similar as long butterfly strategy with the difference being in the strike prices selected. Suppose Nifty is currently trading at 10,400. The long call condor strategy can be used if expect very little volatility in the index and market to largely remain range bound. To profit in such a market scenario lets: Long Call Condor Options Strategy OrdersExample NIFTY Strike Price Buy 1 ITM CallNIFTY18APR10200C... Read More
Market View Neutral Neutral
Strategy Level Advance Advance
Options Type Call + Put Call
Number of Positions 2 4
Risk Profile Unlimited Limited
Reward Profile Limited Limited
Breakeven Point two break-even points

When and how to use Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) and Long Condor (Long Call Condor)?

  Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Long Condor (Long Call Condor)
When to use?

The Short Strangle is perfect in a neutral market scenario when the underlying is expected to be less volatile.

The Long Call Condor works well when you expect the price of the underlying to be range bound in the coming days. In other words, when the trader is anticipating minimal price movement in the underlying during the lifetime of the options.

Market View Neutral

When you are expecting little volatility and movement in the price of the underlying.


When you are unsure about the direction in the movement in the price of the underlying but are expecting little volatility in it in the near future.

  • Sell OTM Call
  • Sell OTM Put

Sell 1 out-of-the-money put and sell 1 out-of-the-money call which belongs to same underlying asset and has the same expiry date.

  • Buy Deep ITM Call Option
  • Buy Deep OTM Call Option
  • Sell ITM Call Option
  • Sell OTM Call Option

Suppose Nifty is currently trading at 10,400. You expect little volatility in the index and market to largely remain range bound. To profit in such a market scenario, you can buy buy 1 ITM Nifty Call Option at 10,200, sells 1 ITM Nifty Call Option 10,300, sell 1 OTM Call Option at 10,500 and buy 1 OTM Nifty Call Option at 10,800. The Net debit of premium is the maximum possible loss while your maximum profit will be when Nifty is between the strike prices of 2 short calls on expiry.

Breakeven Point two break-even points

A strangle has two break-even points.

Lower Break-even = Strike Price of Put - Net Premium

Upper Break-even = Strike Price of Call+ Net Premium"

There are 2 break even points in this strategy. The upper break even is hit when the underlying price is equal to the difference between higher strike price and net premium paid. The lower break even is hit when the underlying price is equal to the total of lower strike price and net premium paid.

Lower Breakeven = Lower Strike Price + Net Premium

Upper breakeven = Higher Strike Price - Net Premium

Compare Risks and Rewards (Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Vs Long Condor (Long Call Condor))

  Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Long Condor (Long Call Condor)
Risks Unlimited

The maximum loss is unlimited in this strategy. You will incur losses when the price of the underlying moves significantly either upwards or downwards at expiration.

Loss = Price of Underlying - Strike Price of Short Call - Net Premium Received


Loss = Strike Price of Short Put - Price of Underlying - Net Premium Received


The maximum risk in a long call condor strategy is equal to the net premium paid at the time of entering the trade. The max risk is when the price of the underlying equal to or below the lower strike price or when the underlying price is equal to or above the higher strike price of Options in trade at expiration time.

Rewards Limited

For maximum profit, the price of the underlying on expiration date must trade between the strike prices of the options. The maximum profit is limited to the net premium received while selling the Options.

Maximum Profit = Net Premium Received


The maximum profit in a long call condor strategy is realized when the price of the underlying is trading between the two middle strikes at time of expiration.

Maximum Profit Scenario

Both Option not exercised

Both ITM Calls exercised

Max Profit = Strike Price of Lower Strike Short Call - Strike Price of Lower Strike Long Call - Net Premium Paid

Maximum Loss Scenario

One Option exercised

All Options exercised or not exercised

Max Loss = Net Premium Paid

Pros & Cons or Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) and Long Condor (Long Call Condor)

  Short Strangle (Sell Strangle) Long Condor (Long Call Condor)

The strategy offers higher chance of profitability in comparison to Short Straddle due to selling of OTM Options.

It allows you to profit from range bound underlying at low capital. The profit is high with limited risk exposure.

The maximum profit for the condor trade may be low in relation to other trading strategies but it has a comparatively wider profit zone.


Limited reward with high risk exposure.

Strike prices selected may have an impact on the potential of profit.

Brokerage and taxes makes a significant impact on the profits from this strategy. The cost of trading increases with number of legs. This strategy has 4 legs and thus the brokerage cost is higher.

Simillar Strategies Short Straddle, Long Strangle Long Put Butterfly, Short Call Condor, Short Strangle


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