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Zerodha Account Closure Process, Charges, Deactivation - Explained

Published on Saturday, October 2, 2021 by Team

Zerodha Account Closure Process, Charges, Deactivation - Explained

Zerodha Account Opening

Invest without brokerage fees in Equity Delivery and Direct Mutual Funds. Pay a flat Rs 20 per trade for Intra-day and F&O. Open an instant account with Zerodha and start trading today.

Zerodha customers can close their accounts at any time by submitting an account closure request. The process is simple. It saves you from annual maintenance charges and misuse of the account if you do not have plans to use it.

Zerodha provides the facility to close the account temporarily or permanently. If you choose to close the account temporarily, you can reactivate it anytime by submitting a written request along with the basic KYC documents.

Account Closure in Zerodha

Zerodha offers to close the account online using e-Sign as well as offline using paper forms. Zerodha takes about 5-7 working days to process the account closure request.

Steps for Zerodha account closure online

  1. Visit Zerodha website.
  2. Click on the Downloads & Resources link under the Support Section at the footer of the website.
  3. Download Account deactivation/closure form available under Change request forms in Application forms.
  4. Fill the form digitally with the below details:
    • Tick the account to be closed - Trading/Demat or Commodity.
    • Trading Client ID.
    • Demat BO ID.
    • Names and address of primary account holder.
    • Mention the reason for the closure.
  5. E-sign the form using Digio.
  6. Create a ticket for account closure and submit the account closure form.

Steps to close the Zerodha account offline.

  1. Download the Zerodha account closure form.
  2. Print and fill in the details in the form viz. name, address, trading ID, Demat ID, and reason for the closure.
  3. Sign the form.
  4. Courier the closure form to Zerodha Head Office.


  • Clear all the outstanding dues. There should be no negative balance in your Zerodha account.
  • There should be no securities in your Zerodha Demat account.
  • Transfer or sell the securities as desired.
  • Close all the open F&O positions.

Zerodha Account Closure / Deactivation Form

Zerodha Account Closure Charges

Zerodha does not levy any charges for account closure. The account cannot be closed until you clear all the dues including annual maintenance charges.

Zerodha Account Closure and Transfer

Zerodha Demat account should be empty at the time of initiating the account closure request. However, if you have any securities in the Zerodha Demat account, you can opt for the closure cum transfer process as described below.

Steps for Zerodha account closure and transfer

  1. Download and print the Zerodha account closure form pdf.
  2. Fill the form with all the details.
  3. Mention the beneficiary DP ID and Client ID.
  4. Submit the Client Master Report (CMR) of the target Demat account along with the signed account closure form to the Zerodha Head office.

The CMR needs to be sealed and stamped. In the case of the NSDL beneficiary account, the CMR should be in hard copy with seal and signature of respective NSDL DP. If the beneficiary account is with CDSL, the digitally signed copy should suffice.

Zerodha Account Closure on Death

In case of the death of an account holder, the nominee/successor/dependants/relatives can initiate the Zerodha account closure request . The closure process is easy when there are no securities or funds in the Zerodha account. You need to submit the below documents and the account closure form to close the Zerodha account of the deceased account holder.

  • Copy of Death certificate of the account holder.
  • PAN number of the deceased account holder.

If there are holdings and funds in the account, the account closure process will differ depending on the scenario.

  1. In case of a joint account, the surviving holder can initiate the closure request and get the securities and funds transferred to their account by submitting the below documents:

    • Transmission Request Form.
    • Duly filled and signed account closure form.
    • Notarized copy of the Death certificate of the deceased account holder.
    • Sealed and stamped Client Master Report of the beneficiary account of the surviving holder.
    • ID proof of the survivor.
    • Copy of bank statement/cancelled cheque of the survivor.
  2. If there is a nominee in the account, the nominee can initiate the closure request by submitting the same set of documents as mentioned above and get the funds and securities transferred to the nominee's account.

  3. If there is no nominee appointed and is not a joint account, the process is a little complex as the successor has to submit the below documents based on the value of securities and funds.

    • Transmission Request Form.
    • Notarized/Attested death certificate of the deceased account holder.
    • Sealed and stamped CMR of the beneficiary account.
    • ID proof and bank proof of the successor.
    • Letter of Indemnity/copy of Family Settlement Deed/Affidavit.
    • Succession certificate/letter of administration/probate of the Will of the deceased.

    All the documents should be sent to the Zerodha head office for processing the closure request in any scenario. Zerodha takes 15 days to process the transmission request if all the documents are correctly submitted.

Check Zerodha Account Closure Status

Zerodha takes 5-7 working days to process the closure request. You will receive a mail from Zerodha to confirm the account closure. However, in case of no communication from the company within seven days, you should open a support ticket or follow up on the Zerodha account closure ticket to get a status update.

Zerodha Account Deactivation

Zerodha offers its clients to close/freeze their accounts temporarily. This temporary closure of an account is called account deactivation.

In case of account deactivation, you still get charged with AMC as the account is not permanently closed. You can resume trading anytime you wish using the same client code by sending a written request to Zerodha Head office along with ID proof and address proof.

Steps to deactivate Zerodha account:

  • Download the Zerodha account deactivation form.
  • Tick on Deactivate account and fill the form.
  • Submit the form to Zerodha head office.

You can also e-sign the form and create a ticket to submit the deactivation request.

It is important to note that you will not be able to access the Zerodha Kite, Console, Coin platforms while your account is in the deactivated mode.

Zerodha also offers to deactivate/ disable a particular segment with the help of the Kill switch feature from the Zerodha Console.

Zerodha Commodity Account Closure

Zerodha has one common form to close the accounts across Equity/F&O and Commodity either temporarily or permanently. There is no separate Zerodha commodity account closure form.

To close the Zerodha commodity account, you need to tick on Zerodha Commodities Private Limited in the account closure form and submit the form by following the same process as in the case of any other closure.


You can close your account in Zerodha online permanently or temporarily by e-signing the account closure form with ease and at your convenience. It is advisable to close the account permanently if you are not using the same. The temporary closure of the account puts a freeze on your account. However, you are still liable to pay the AMC charges. It is important to note that a dormant account does not mean a closed account. You need to initiate a closure request to close such accounts.

Zerodha Special Offer

Free stock trading and mutual funds

  • Free account opening for all people.
  • Brokerage-free share delivery trades and flat Rs 20 per trade for Intraday & F&O +
  • Brokerage-free Direct Mutual Fund investment + +
  • Trade with the best trading platform in India.

This is a limited time offer. Open an instant Zerodha account online and start trading today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. How to close Zerodha account?

    Zerodha trading and demat account can be closed online using e-signature or offline by submitting the signed paper account closure form. The process is simple and take 7 business days.

    Steps for close Zerodha account (online)

    1. Login to your Zerodha Kite account.
    2. Click on your ID at the top right corner of your page
    3. Go to the " Support " section.
    4. Look for " Downloads & Resources " at the footer of the website.
    5. Click on Account deactivation/closure form available under Change request forms.
    6. Download the form and fill it digitally .
    7. E-sign the account closure form on Digio .
    8. Go to the Support section again to raise a ticket .
    9. Click on Your Profile under the topic - 'Your Zerodha Account'.
    10. Select ' How do I Deactivate my account' .
    11. Raise a ticket and submit the e-signed form.

    Steps to close Zerodha account (offline)

    1. Download the account closure form from the Zerodha website available under Downloads and Resources.
    2. Take a print of the account closure form and fill it with the required details and reason for the closure.
    3. Sign and send the form to Zerodha Head Office.


    • Ensure to clear all the outstanding dues.
    • Close outstanding positions.
    • Transfer all securities to another Demat account or sell your holdings.
    • A dormant account does not mean a closed account. You need to submit a specific closure request.
    • You have an option to either deactivate the account (close temporarily) or close permanently.



  2. 2. What is Digio in Zerodha?

    Digio is an e-Sign application service provider. Zerodha has integrated with Digio to offer an online electronic signature service.

    To e-sign the documents using Digio, you first need to register with Digio using a mobile number or email id.

    Steps to e-Sign the documents using Digio in Zerodha:

    1. Sign up/ Log in to Digio
    2. Click on Add document to upload the required form.
    3. Click on 'Sign' button.
    4. Select 'Aadhar eSign' option and click on Continue.
    5. Enter your Aadhar number and click on Send OTP.
    6. Enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number that will affix the digital signature to the form.

    Check the steps here for more detail.



  3. 3. Can Zerodha account be closed?

    Yes, you can close the Zerodha account online or offline at your convenience. You can close the Zerodha account permanently or temporarily as desired based on your requirement.

    To close a Zerodha account online, submit the account closure form by creating a ticket with the Zerodha support team.

    To close a Zerodha account offline, send the form to the Zerodha Head office for further processing.



  4. 4. How to fill Zerodha account closure form online?

    Zerodha account closure form is an editable pdf that can be filled digitally. Check sample form for reference

    To fill the Zerodha account closure form online:

    1. Download the 'Zerodha account closure/deactivate form' from the Zerodha website.
    2. Tick the desired account type/segment for closure - Trading, Demat, or Commodity.
    3. Tick on Deactivate account or Close account based on whether you want to close the account permanently or temporarily.
    4. Type/Enter the below details:
      • Trading Client ID
      • BO ID
      • Names of all account holders.
      • Address of the account holder.
      • Reasons for closure.
      • Target DP ID and Client ID (in case of closure cum transfer).
    5. Save the pdf form on your machine.
    6. E-sign the form.

    Note: In case of closure cum transfer, you need to sign the form and submit the hard copy to Zerodha Head office along with the Client master list of the beneficiary account.



  5. 5. Where to send Zerodha account closure form?

    Zerodha account closure form should be sent to Zerodha Head Office via post, registered post, speed post, or courier in case of offline account closure.

    Zerodha Head Office Address

    Zerodha H.O No.153/154 4th Cross Dollars Colony,

    Opp. Clarence Public School, J.P Nagar 4th Phase,

    Bangalore - 560078



  6. 6. Can I close my Zerodha account online?

    Yes , you can close your Zerodha account online provided you have your Aadhar linked to your mobile number to e-sign the document and the below conditions get fulfilled:

    1. There are no securities in the Demat account.
    2. There is no negative balance in the trading account.
    3. There are no open F&O positions.

    If you face any issues to close the account online, you can opt to close the account offline by submitting a hard copy of the account closure form to Zerodha Head Office. You also have an option to close your account either permanently or deactivate it for a temporary period.

    In case there are securities in your account, you can opt for closure cum transfer. The closure cum transfer process can be done only in offline mode.



  7. 7. Can I close Zerodha Demat account online?

    Yes , you can close Zerodha Demat account online only when you do not have any securities in your Demat account. You also need to have your Aadhar linked to your mobile number to e-sign the account closure form for online closure.

    If there are securities in the Demat account, you need to opt for closure cum transfer. The closure cum transfer can be done only by submitting a hard copy of the account closure form along with a sealed and stamped Client Master Report of the beneficiary target ID where the holdings need to be transferred.



  8. 8. How to close Zerodha Demat account online?

    Zerodha Demat account can be closed online only when there are no securities in the Demat account.

    Steps to close Zerodha Demat account online:

    1. Visit Zerodha website.
    2. Download Account deactivation/closure form available under Support>> Downloads & Resources>>Change Request Forms.
    3. Fill the form online.
    4. E-sign account closure form using Digio.
    5. Go to the Support section to raise a ticket to upload the account closure form and initiate the account closure request.



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1. Kartik Karnwal   I Like It. |Report Abuse|  Link|May 29, 2023 12:00:19 PMReply
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